Alchemy is a great choice for any crafter in Elder Scrolls Online. For those that just began their journey through alchemy you might notice that each plant ingredient has four traits that define what kind of potion you can create by combining different ingredients. It can be a very big endeavor to try and find all the traits on your own. What all you should know is that you can right click a new plant in your inventory and click on Use to learn the first trait of that ingredient. This will also give you a small amount of alchemy experience. For the other three traits you can try combining plants until you discover them all.
To spare you the time and material expense we have done the work for you and you can find bellow the list of all alchemy reagents with all traits discovered. There is also a small tool (drop down menu above the list of ingredients) to help you determine which plants you can combine to get a certain effect in your potion. Just select a trait from a drop down bellow and the list of plants will show only those with that trait.

Blessed Thistle
Restore Stamina
Ravage Health
Increase Weapon Power

Blue Entoloma
Restore Health
Ravage Magicka
Lower Spell Power

Restore Health
Restore Magicka
Lower Spell Power
Increase Spell Resist

Restore Health
Restore Magicka
Restore Stamina

Restore Magicka
Ravage Health
Increase Spell Power

Restore Stamina
Weapon Crit
Increase Weapon Power
Lower Armor

Emetic Russula
Ravage Health
Ravage Magicka
Ravage Stamina

Imp Stool
Ravage Stamina
Lower Weapon Crit
Lower Weapon Power
Increase Armor

Lady's Smock
Restore Magicka
Spell Crit
Increase Spell Power
Lower Spell Resist

Luminous Russula
Restore Health
Ravage Stamina
Lower Weapon Power
Reduce Speed

Mountain Flower
Restore Health
Restore Stamina
Lower Weapon Power
Increase Armor

Namira's Rot
Spell Crit

Ravage Health
Lower Spell Crit
Lower Weapon Crit

Ravage Health
Ravage Stamina
Increase Weapon Power
Lower Armor

Violet Coprinus
Ravage Health
Ravage Magicka
Increase Spell Power
Lower Spell Resist

Water Hyacinth
Restore Health
Spell Crit
Weapon Crit

Ravage Magicka
Lower Spell Crit
Lower Spell Power
Increase Spell Resist

Weapon Crit
Reduce Speed
Wow are these the only ingredients in the game? Or do I need to change the filter settings? Because they’re’s only 18 here.
Those are the only alchemy ingredients in the game for now.
As an alchemist in game, even with the limited 18 alchemy ingredients, you can still make some very powerful and potent potions especially if you yourself have Snakeblood and Chemistry maxed out (As well as Medicinal Use, I believe).
Chemistry in itself lets you create additional potions, Medicinal Use makes them last longer, and Snakeblood reduces negative effects.
Though I’ve yet to find a potion I HAVE to make with negative effects. And I am constantly creating Vet 1 Stamina Recovery + Speed potions as well as Magicka/Health/Stamina recovery, and Invisbility + Speed. Maybe I’ll have to try and find a way to throw Stamina into that last one.
The number of ingredients could be seen as deceiving since there are no tiers of different types of plants. The same 18 plants are found in all zones no matter their level range. The ‘tiered’ part of creating potions is the type of water used only. Plus since you can combine up to 3 types of plants and they combine with whatever traits match up, there are a lot of different combinations available. For example, there is a combination which gives 3 restore healths, 2 restore staminas and 2 restore magickas… or there is a combination which gives weapon power + crit + restore stamina….
18 is definitely enough for now. If they add more that’ll be great too.
It would be nice if there were a way to coat your weapons with poisons. because for now all the effects only affect the player, good or bad. and i barely see any use for a potion that’d stun myself.
They’d be hilarious for RPing though. Like an episode of the old animated Dungeons and Dragons with the mage always trying hard, but casting his fair share of goofs.
Negative effects on ingredients – thus negative effects potions on self – is common in TES series.
As an alchemist you can diminish these negative effects, or find find better mixes for same effect.
I’ve read somewhere that poisons for weapons will be implemented, yes.
Is there a strategy to discovering traits at the alchemy table? I have nearly all of them, but the last couple are eluding me. I keep making potions with just those herbs, thus far to no avail. Do I need to find the potion that uses those traits to “pop” them? I know this thread is a little necro, but hoping someone has an answer. Great tool, btw!
if you want to discover a trait on 1 herb, you mix that herb with another herb where you already discovered that trait.
or you mix two herbs that have the same undiscovered trait -> it will be revealed for both plants.
hope that helps 😉
Error: Whitecap does not contain LOWER SPELL CRIT. It contains DETECTION.
your missing some i found them for you ;D
Scrib Jelly=Ravage Magicka -Speed-Vulnerability-Sustained Restore Health
Fleshfly Larva=Ravage Stamina -Vulnerability-Creeping Ravage Health- Vitality
Beetle Scuttle= Lower Spell Resist- Increase Armor-Protection- Vitality
Butterfly Wing=Restore Health-Lower Spell Crit-Health Sustained Restore Health-Vitality
Nightshade= Ravage Health- Protection- Creeping Ravage Health-Defile
Spider Egg=Reduce Speed-Invisible-Sustained Restore Health-Defile
Torchbug Thorax= Lower Armo-Lower Weapon Crit- Detection-Vitality
Betaki , you’re correct on that, those ingredients are the new ones
introduced with the dark brotherhood wich also the possibility to make poisons.
Is it no longer possible to uncover lower spell crit on nirnroot?
i love this handy little alchemy guide, but i wish it would be updated to Dark Brotherhood vesion since it gave us new ingredients like Night Shade 😐
Some of these abilities require renaming, or at least a side-by-side of what their effects are. For instance, Nirnroot and Imp Stool share “Enervation”, but on this table it’s “Lower Weapon Crit”. It’s a bit of a hassle to look at these separately when trying to unlock the alchemical abilities.