Blackwood treasure maps in ESO are a part of the Gates of Oblivion adventure, added in early June 2021. There are nine maps you can solve; three are Collector’s edition maps, and six are regular. The maps offer precious little clues as to the location of the treasure. Most of the treasures are found near shores and ruined towers, which ultimately reveals more about the area. In this guide, we’ll show you all Blackwood treasure map locations and their in ESO.

Heroes Reforged Event Offers Free Respecs & A Fawn Pet
Heroes Reforged is a mini event taking place in Elder Scrolls Online during the next two weeks. Since the latest update – the one bringing the Flames of Ambition DLC – includes a major Champion system overhaul, the developers have decided to give everyone two weeks of free respecs. This way you can experiment with different builds and settle on what feels best for you. There’s also a free pet in it, as a way of apologizing for the inconvenience to everyone who isn’t happy about that one mandatory respec.

Flames of Ambition Release Date & Time Revealed
Flames of Ambition, the new DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, is coming out on PC today. Console players will have to wait another week, until March 16th. Bethesda has even revealed the exact release time for the expansion, so you know when you can start playing the new dungeons and uncovering the mysteries behind the cult of Dagon that has infested the land. Read on to see when exactly Flames of Ambition starts.

Flames of Ambition DLC Release Date Set for March 8th
Flames of Ambition is the next DLC for ESO, and it marks the start of a new year-long season, called Gates of Oblivion. It’ll add two new dungeons, and introduce a mysterious cult. It’ll also serve as an introduction into the Blackwood chapter, which is the next big expansion that’s supposed to launch this summer. Flames of Ambition is going to be released on PC on March 8th, while console players will have to wait an extra week. Read on the see what you can expect from this new DLC.

ESO Blackreach Greymoor Caverns Treasure Map Locations
Blackreach Caverns treasure maps were added to the game in the Greymoor expansion. There are four of them, with two being marked as CE, and the other two can be found as a drop from enemies, bought, etc. Blackreach is an underground part of the Western Skyrim map. You can get to Blackreach with by using the three main entrances, marked as Great Lifts in Western Skyrim. When you pull the lever used to operate these lifts, they will take you to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. In this guide, we’ll show you all four Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns treasure maps and their locations.

ESO Western Skyrim Treasure Map Locations
Western Skyrim Treasure Maps are part of the new Greymoor expansion pack. There are five of them, scattered across the main map. The clues for finding the dig spots vary from clearly easy ones, like the Dragon Bridge, to the difficult ones. In this guide, we’ll show you all Western Skyrim treasure map Locations.

Antiquities Leads Locations & Hidden Entry Relics
Elder Scrolls Online antiquities leads locations and hidden entry relics are new things that have come with the Greymoor expansion. The new and fun Antiquities system offers players a minigame, where they first find a lead for an item, and then excavate it. These leads have different-colored rarities, and their progress can be monitored from the Antiquities tab. At first, you can only see them as hidden entries, but once you find and take one of the leads, you can check your progress. The guide below reveals all the hidden lead entry names and their locations.

ESO Western Skyrim Skyshards Location Map
1. At the top of a waterfall in the Lightless Hollow
ESO Southern Elsweyr Skyshards Location Map
1. Overlooking the coast, southeast of Doomstone Keep
Antiquities & Relics Guide
Antiquities are a new addition to Elder Scrolls Online, part of the Greymoor DLC. This new system allows you to become an archaeologist and look for forgotten relics around the world, unlock a new skill tree and become a renowned antiquarian. If you’re wondering how it all works, you’ve come to the right place – this guide will explain how the entire hunt for antiquities and relics works, from scrying for their location, to using the Antiquarian’s Eye to pinpoint the dig site and using your tools to excavate the artefact.