Mining Sample Collector is one of the new achievements in Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to find five mining samples left by prospectors around the caverns of Blackreach. If you’re having trouble finding Kelbarn’s, Inguya’s, Reeh-La’s, Adanzda’s or Ghamborz’s pouch, this guide will show you all five mining sample locations required for the achievement.

Instrumental Triumph Achievement – Musical Instrument Locations
An Instrumental Triumph is a new achievement in Elder Scrolls Online. It was added in the Greymoor DLC, and you can start it by talking to a particular NPC in the city of Solitude. He’ll inform you about the missing items, and task you with finding all 19 music instruments. The only thing you’ll get by way of directions is a poem that contains hints to the instruments’ hiding places. Once you’ve found them all, you’ll unlock the achievement and get some nice furniture and the warm fuzzy feeling of having restored the Bard’s College to its former glory. If you need help finding them, this guide will show you all 19 Instrumental Triumph musical instrument locations.

Northern Elsweyr Treasure Map Locations
Northern Elsweyr is a new area in Elder Scrolls Online. It’s part of the Season of the Dragon year-long adventure expansion. There are nine treasure maps in Elsweyr, three of them exclusive to the collectors edition. Once you get a map, you’ll have to find a dirt mound marked on the map and dig out the hidden treasure. In this guide, we’re going to show you all Northern Elsweyr treasure map locations, to help you find the dirt mounds shown on the drawings.

Mural Mender Achievement – All 16 Fragment Locations
Mural Mender is one of the new achievements in Elder Scrolls Online. It’s part of the Elsweyr chapter, and it weighs 50 achievement points. In order to complete it, you’ll have to solve a bunch of riddles and find 16 mural fragments, which will allow you to repair the ancient Rithana-di-Renada mural in the House of Histories. If you’re not interested in solving the riddles, this guide will show you all 16 Mural Mender fragment locations.

ESO Craglorn Time Breach Locations – Breach Beyond the Crags Quest
A Breach Beyond the Crags is the ninth quest in the Psijic Order quest line in Elder Scrolls Online. While trying to finish it, you’ll have to find six time breaches in Craglorn. Completing it will allow you to reach the last level of the Psijic Order, and unlock the fourth part of the Psijic Sage achievement/trophy, called Psijic Chronologer. If you get stuck at some point, our ESO Craglorn time breach locations guide will help you.

ESO Rivenspire Time Breach Locations – Time in Doomcrag’s Shadow
Time in Doomcrag’s Shadow is the eighth quest in the Psijic Order quest line in Elder Scrolls Online. It takes place in Rivenspire, and like most others, requires players to seal nine time breaches. This will allow you to advance to the fifth level of the Psijic Order, and get the third part of the Psijic Chronologer achievement / trophy, called Psijic Shadow-Walker. This guide will help you finish Time in Doomcrag’s Shadow quest, by showing you where to find all the time breaches in Rivenspire.

ESO Black Marsh Breach Locations – Time for Mud & Mushrooms Quest
Time for Mud and Mushrooms is the sixth quest in the Psijic Order quest line in Elder Scrolls Online. It takes players on a journey through Deshaan and Shadowfen, where they have to find and seal nine time breaches. This ends with progressing to the sixth level of the Psijic Order skill line, and getting the first part of the Psijic Staff Finder achievement / trophy, called Psijic Mudslinger. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete ESO Time for Mud and Mushrooms quest, where to find all the time breaches in Black Marsh.

ESO Valenwood Time Breach Locations – A Breach Amid the Trees Quest
A Breach Amid the Trees is the fifth quest in the Psijic Order quest line in Elder Scrolls Online. It takes the player on a journey through the Valenwood maps, including Malabal Tor, Greenshade and Grahtwood, where they have to find and seal nine time breaches. This will make them advance to the fifth level of the Psijic Order, and get the final part of the Psijic Regulator achievement / trophy, called Psijic Forester. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete A Breach Amid the Trees quest, where to find all the time breaches in Valenwood.
ESO Stonefalls & Skyrim Time Breach Locations – Breaches of Frost & Fire Quest
Breaches of Frost and Fire is the third quest in the Psijic Order quest line in Elder Scrolls: Online. It will take you on a journey through Stonefalls and Skyrim, where you’ll have to find and seal nine time breaches. After you do, you’ll advance to the third level of the Psijic Order, and get the next part of the Psijic Regulator achievement / trophy, called Psijic Regulator. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete ESO Breaches of Frost & Fire quest, where to find all time breaches in Stonefalls and Skyrim.
ESO Iliac Bay Time Breach Locations – Breaches on the Bay Quest
Breaches on the Bay is the second quest in the Psijic Order quest line that takes place in Iliac Bay, a region that encompasses three maps. You’ll need to find and seal nine breaches – three each in Glenumbra, Stormhaven and the Alik’r Desert. After you seal all of them, you’ll advance to the second level of the Psijic Order, and get the second part of the Psijic Regulator achievement / trophy, called Psijic Pursuer. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete Breaches on the Bay quest, where to find all time breaches in Iliac Bay.