Dragonknight’s skill trees let you deal fire damage while going for either a tank or DPS role. Going for a Draconic Power build will give you more health regen and armor buffs for a tanking role. Ardent Flame is a DPS skill line with DOTs. Earthern Heart gives you more support options for your group. It is a favorite of ranged Dragonknights. Use our Dragonknight talent calculator bellow to create a perfect combination of skills for your playstyle and remember to save them so that others can see your preferences.
UPDATE: ESO Dragonknight Skill Calculator has been updated with PTS 3.0 data and will be updated with new data as ESO: Morrowind gets closer to release on live. Be warned that this is data from the beta server and as such might change rapidly as things come closer to going live for all players.
ESO Morrowind Update: Dragonknight Skill Calculator has been updated with live server 3.0.5 data. This update implements all the changes introduced with the early access launch of ESO Morrowind.
Dragonknight tank
Dragonknight tank (DS / OH+S)

Champion Points
Skills 96 / 300























Required lvl 12 in Ardent Flame
Required lvl 12 in Earthen Heart
Required lvl 20 in Draconic Power
Required lvl 38 in Destruction Staff
Required lvl 3 in Undaunted
Required lvl 20 in Ardent Flame
Required lvl 4 in Earthen Heart
Required lvl 2 in One Hand and Shield
Required lvl 42 in Light Armor
Required lvl 42 in Heavy Armor
Required lvl 41 in One Hand and Shield
Required lvl 41 in Destruction Staff
Required lvl 39 in Ardent Flame
Required lvl 39 in Draconic Power
Required lvl 14 in Earthen Heart
Required lvl 1 in Mages Guild
Required lvl 25 in Argonian Skills
Required lvl 2 in Soul Magic
Required lvl 1 in Fighters Guild

Light Armor / ArmorRecovery
Increases your Magicka Recovery by 2% for each piece of Light Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 2%.

Light Armor / ArmorSpell Warding
Increases your Spell Resistance by 275 for each piece of Light Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 275.

Light Armor / ArmorEvocation
Reduces the Magicka cost of your abilities by 1% for each piece of Light Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 1%.

Light Armor / ArmorConcentration
Increases your Spell Penetration by ?.

Light Armor / ArmorProdigy
Increases your Spell Critical rating by 5.

Heavy Armor / ArmorConstitution
Increases your Health Recovery by 2% for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 2%.
You restore 164 Magicka and Stamina when you take damage for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds.
Current bonus: 164.

Heavy Armor / ArmorWrath
Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by ? for 5 seconds when you take damage, stacking up to 20 times.

Heavy Armor / ArmorRapid Mending
Increases your healing received by 4%.
Increases the Magicka or Stamina your Heavy Attacks restore by 12%.

Heavy Armor / ArmorJuggernaut
Increases your Max Health by 1% for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 1%.

Heavy Armor / ArmorResolve
Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 183 for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Current bonus: 183.

One Hand and Shield / WeaponSword and Board
Increases your Weapon Damage by 3% and the amount of damage you can block by 10%.

One Hand and Shield / WeaponDeflect Bolts
Increases the amount of damage you can block from projectiles and ranged attacks by 8%.

One Hand and Shield / WeaponDeadly Bash
Improves your standard bash attacks. Bashing deals 50% additional damage and costs 20% less Stamina.

One Hand and Shield / WeaponFortress
Reduces the Stamina cost of your One Hand and Shield abilities by 5% and reduces the cost of blocking by 18%.

One Hand and Shield / WeaponBattlefield Mobility
Increases your Movement Speed while blocking by 30%.

Destruction Staff / WeaponTri Focus
Gain bonus effects based on your staff type:
Fully-charged Flame Heavy Attacks deal 6% additional damage.
Shock Heavy Attacks damage nearby enemies for 50% of the damage done.
Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs ? damage.
While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking costs Magicka instead of Stamina.

Destruction Staff / WeaponPenetrating Magic
Your Destruction Staff abilities ignore 5% of the enemy's Spell Resistance.

Destruction Staff / WeaponAncient Knowledge
Gain bonus effects based on your staff type while you have a Destruction Staff ability slotted:
Flame Staff increases your damage done with single target abilities by 4%.
Lightning Staff increases your damage done with area of effect abilities by 4%.
Frost Staff reduces the cost of blocking by 15% and increases the amount of damage you block by 10%.

Destruction Staff / WeaponElemental Force
Increases your chance to apply the Burning, Concussion, and Chilled status effects by 50% while you have a Destruction Staff equipped.

Destruction Staff / WeaponDestruction Expert
You restore 50 Magicka when you kill an enemy with a Destruction Staff ability.

Ardent Flame / ClassCombustion
Increases the damage of your Burning and Poisoned status effects by 33%.

Ardent Flame / ClassWarmth
Dealing damage with an Ardent Flame ability reduces the enemy's Movement Speed by 15% for 2 seconds.

Ardent Flame / ClassSearing Heat
Increases the duration of your Fiery Breath, Searing Strike, and Dragonknight Standard abilities by 2 seconds.

Ardent Flame / ClassWorld in Ruin
Increases the damage of your Flame and Poison area of effect abilities by 3%.

Draconic Power / ClassIron Skin
Increases the amount of damage you can block by 4%.

Draconic Power / ClassBurning Heart
Increases your healing received by 6% while a Draconic Power ability is active.

Draconic Power / ClassElder Dragon
Increases your Health Recovery by 2% for each Draconic Power ability slotted.
Current bonus: 2%.

Draconic Power / ClassScaled Armor
Increases your Spell Resistance by 2.

Earthen Heart / ClassBattle Roar
When you cast an Ultimate ability, you restore 50 Health, Magicka, and Stamina for each point of the Ultimate's cost.

Earthen Heart / ClassEternal Mountain
Increases duration of your Earthen Heart abilities by 10%.

Mages Guild / GuildPersuasive Will
Allows you to Persuade NPCs in conversation.

Argonian Skills / RacialResourceful
Increases your Max Magicka by 1%.
When you drink a potion, you restore 33 Health, Magicka, and Stamina.

Argonian Skills / RacialAmphibian
Increases your experience gain with the Restoration Staff skill line by 15%.
Increases your swimming speed by 50%.

Argonian Skills / RacialArgonian Resistance
Increases your Max Health by 3% and Poison and Disease Resistance by 50.

Argonian Skills / RacialQuick to Mend
Increases your healing done and healing received by 1%.

Soul Magic / WorldSoul Summons
Allows you to revive once every 2 hours without spending a Soul Gem.

Fighters Guild / GuildIntimidating Presence
Allows you to Intimidate NPCs in conversation.
Reduces the Stamina cost of your Fighters Guild abilities by 15%.