Dragonknight’s skill trees let you deal fire damage while going for either a tank or DPS role. Going for a Draconic Power build will give you more health regen and armor buffs for a tanking role. Ardent Flame is a DPS skill line with DOTs. Earthern Heart gives you more support options for your group. It is a favorite of ranged Dragonknights. Use our Dragonknight talent calculator bellow to create a perfect combination of skills for your playstyle and remember to save them so that others can see your preferences.
UPDATE: ESO Dragonknight Skill Calculator has been updated with PTS 3.0 data and will be updated with new data as ESO: Morrowind gets closer to release on live. Be warned that this is data from the beta server and as such might change rapidly as things come closer to going live for all players.
ESO Morrowind Update: Dragonknight Skill Calculator has been updated with live server 3.0.5 data. This update implements all the changes introduced with the early access launch of ESO Morrowind.
Dragonknight Tank/DPS 1H - Shield + Destruction Staff
This DK build is my favorite build in ESO. Because this build uses no armor but heavy, a lot of attributes need to be spent in magicka. The weapons I chose, One-Hand and Shield as it is the best weapon skill line to use to be a tank, and destruction staff (Preferably flame).
Let's take a look at ability bar 1. When using a melee weapon I find it important to always have a charge up ability to get you started off in combat. That is why I included Invasion in the ability bar. After using Invasion as a start up use dragon fire scales to repel enemy attacks. This is very handy in not only questing and grinding, but also PvP and PvE. Then use deep slash which deals physical damage and reduces the damage enemies deal. Then use draw essence and then use light attacks to restore some magicka. Then it is time for flame lash, to finish off your target.
Ability bar 2 is all about damage while also healing yourself a bit. Start off with burning talons to root in place and then it is time for AoE. Use engulfing flames first to increase your next flame attacks, then use elemental blockade and elemental ring. During the process if you have taken too much damage from ranged attackers cast coagulating blood.
I hope you like this build. :)