
Nightblade talent calculator, you can find bellow, will help you find the best build to match your playstyle as this, mostly, DPS class. Nightblade is the only class that has a vanish skill that lets you get out of sticky situation or prepare your most devastating attacks. Assassination Nightblades will be all about dealing damage (or buffing themselves to do the most damage). Shadow is the skill line you want to follow if you want to get utility abilities that will make you vanish and do the most damage while surprising your enemies. Siphoning is more about DOTs and leaching health. Great for weakening mobs while staying alive. Whether you use a bow, daggers or other means of dealing damage to your enemies, Nightblade’s skill will help you dispose of them the fastest. Pick and choose skills bellow and save them so others can see your preferred playstyle.

ESO Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with ESO: Morrowind PTS 3.0 data. We will be update it with new data DLC release draws closer. Be warned that this data is from the beta server and may differ from the live version. We will update it with new data at that time.

ESO Morrowind update: Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with 3.0.5 live server data introducing all the changes that the expansion brought. Make sure you update your builds accordingly.

Dual/Resto Magicka Nightblade, Vampire DPS

This is my solo/group build dps. PvP/PvE

First bar, Dual Weapons.

-Lotus Fan: now that they fix the morph its a great skill and the perfect Gap Closer for Nightblades.
-Sap Essence: Our best AoE, also for each hits we and our allies are heal and you gain a 20%spell damage buff for 20s.
-Swallow soul: This is our main single target DPS (you can choose anymoroph that would depends on your game style) very cheap to use and a great magic damage, also heal us.
-Reaper's Mark: Breaks enemy resistances (this plus Lotus Fan he would get a huge damege), and if he dies, give us 20%more damage and our best nightblade healing ability. (I prefer this morph over the Pearcing Mark cause we can take out stealth other nightblades with Sap Essence).
-Dark Cloack: It's Dark Cloack lol ;)

-Ultimate: Shatter Soul: Our executioner and HUGE magica damage! And if you killed with that it also do a AoE damage. And just 100ult. Awesome!

Second bar it's our support/defense for us and our allies, you use this bar if you need heal, defense, escape from a danger situation or also for support your self or allies with speed, damage and resistance buffs and decreasing enemy's stamina!

Weapon: Restoration Staff

-Shadow Image: My favorite nightblade ability, hits enemy with Magicka damage, he loses stamina and you can teleport to the shadow location if you need a quick scape.
-Mass Hysteria: Our main CC you stun up3 enemies and most of the time they don't know what's going on, last almost 4seconds and they loses damage against us and also get snare.
-Crippling Grasp: When need a siphoning ability in this bar, also do a great Magicka damage on impact plus damage over time and reduce enemy movement for 40% and we get more movement for 40%.
-Charging Manouver: For movement speed, we can be snared or immobilized and we still have the movement in battle.
-Combat Prayer: Our healing ability in this bar healing us and our allies in front of us and also giving us and allies physical/spell resistance and also a damage buff of 8%.

-Ultimate: Devouring Swarm: This is a vampire built but you can also run it without being a vampire, but I love this ultimate, a great AoE DPS and also a great healing ability! (If you don't want to be a vampire you can run here Ice Commet or Soul Tether "siphoning ability" and change Crippling Grasp and put Reaper's Mark there and run Proximity Detonation in the first bar as another AoE main DPS, I like playing as a vampire but when I unlock Proximity Detonation that's how I'm gonna play my Nightblade)

If you don't have Proximity Detonation this is how I like to play it, but when I have it, I would do those changes.

PVP / Nightblade
Votes: 0
10/30/2015 - 12:38



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