
Nightblade talent calculator, you can find bellow, will help you find the best build to match your playstyle as this, mostly, DPS class. Nightblade is the only class that has a vanish skill that lets you get out of sticky situation or prepare your most devastating attacks. Assassination Nightblades will be all about dealing damage (or buffing themselves to do the most damage). Shadow is the skill line you want to follow if you want to get utility abilities that will make you vanish and do the most damage while surprising your enemies. Siphoning is more about DOTs and leaching health. Great for weakening mobs while staying alive. Whether you use a bow, daggers or other means of dealing damage to your enemies, Nightblade’s skill will help you dispose of them the fastest. Pick and choose skills bellow and save them so others can see your preferred playstyle.

ESO Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with ESO: Morrowind PTS 3.0 data. We will be update it with new data DLC release draws closer. Be warned that this data is from the beta server and may differ from the live version. We will update it with new data at that time.

ESO Morrowind update: Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with 3.0.5 live server data introducing all the changes that the expansion brought. Make sure you update your builds accordingly.

Leeching Strike Tank (Base)

This is the bare bones of a Leeching Strike tank. The goal is to provide tanking functionality with taunts and damage shields without focusing on damage as it is not our primary role. The build is further enhanced by adding undaunted and vampire skills to the mix later on. I also suggest putting a few points into shadow as the Ultimate will work well in group encounters. This is a base build as it leaves plenty of points to allow conversion to a 2H tank as well as a mix of 2H (or DW) skills and nightbade abilities to convert to DPS or even PvP.

I chose Argonian as I like the increased potion effect and the added healing received bonuses not to mention the thought of a giant reptile vampire, but arguably Imperial, Redguard, or Orc may be better suited to the task.

PVE / Nightblade
Votes: 2
03/30/2014 - 18:02



Champion Points


The Steed

The Lady

The Lord


The Shadow

The Lover

The Tower


The Apprentice

The Atronach

The Ritual



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