
Nightblade talent calculator, you can find bellow, will help you find the best build to match your playstyle as this, mostly, DPS class. Nightblade is the only class that has a vanish skill that lets you get out of sticky situation or prepare your most devastating attacks. Assassination Nightblades will be all about dealing damage (or buffing themselves to do the most damage). Shadow is the skill line you want to follow if you want to get utility abilities that will make you vanish and do the most damage while surprising your enemies. Siphoning is more about DOTs and leaching health. Great for weakening mobs while staying alive. Whether you use a bow, daggers or other means of dealing damage to your enemies, Nightblade’s skill will help you dispose of them the fastest. Pick and choose skills bellow and save them so others can see your preferred playstyle.

ESO Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with ESO: Morrowind PTS 3.0 data. We will be update it with new data DLC release draws closer. Be warned that this data is from the beta server and may differ from the live version. We will update it with new data at that time.

ESO Morrowind update: Nightblade Skill Calculator has been updated with 3.0.5 live server data introducing all the changes that the expansion brought. Make sure you update your builds accordingly.

Eviscerate and Heal NB

Bar 1: I built this bar with AoE, Armor reduce, and Healing in mind
LOTUS FAN- I chose lotus fan for the teleport, the aoe and the snare to aid in the disabling of your target(s)
PIERCING MARK- I had picked this ability to bypass the target's defense and disable any chance of disappearing, also for a heal
SURPRISE ATTACK- I chose this one for combo with shadowy disguise to stun and to further reduce their armor
SWALLOW SOUL- This choice was driven with the need to heal
SHADOWY DISGUISE- This ability was picked for a quick escape, or a crazy combo with surprise attack
BOLSTERING DARKNESS- My choice in the ultimate was caused by the AoE the defense and offensive capabilities with the snare and reduced damage and the invisiblity


Bar 2: I created this bar with Stamina management and Execution of single targets focused
KILLER'S BLADE- i chose this one for the increased damage dealt to low health targets and minor healing
RAPID STRIKES- this ability was chosen for my main attack for the damage and attack speed increase
WHIRLING BLADES- this aoe was picked for mainly the stamina restoration, but could be used for clearing small adds
FOCUSED ATTACKS- My first buff, it was chosen to increase attack speed and help restore stamina
SHADOWY DISGUISE- this invisibility was chosen for the crit and the defensive opening for an escape
SOUL HARVEST- This ultimate was chosen for the high damage capability on a single target and the reduction of healing on said target


Passives: Refreshing Shadows- stamina management
Shadow Barrier- Resistance so as to not die too quickly
Fortitude- Health increase to stay alive
Dark Veil- Increase in Invisibility
Catalyst- I chose this to help with added sustaining with potions
Master Assassin- The damage increase is wonderful for combos
Executioner- Magicka management
Pressure Points, Hemorrhage & Dexterity- crit increase
Wind Walker & Athletics- movement and stamina management
Agility- attack speed
Improved Sneak- helps with sneak •_•


Race: Preferred Khajiit for rogue-like passives
Medium Armor Expertise- increased exp gain with medium armor
Robust- Increased healing during combat
Stealthy- Increased stealth capabilities with improved radius and damage from stealh
Carnage- crit increase


Vampire Disease- This helps with movement during stealth, resistance(not fire), and magicka and stamina regen
Dark Stalker-increases movement speed during stealth and faster stealth during night
Undeath- damage mitigation when low hp
Supernatural Recovery- increased magicka and stamina recovery
Unnatural Resistance & Savage Feeding- for better healing as a vampire
(optional) Blood Ritual- turn a player into a vamp (could be used for money gain)


Soul Summons & Soul Lock- soul gem management
Soul Shatter- last damage move as death occurs to oneself, possibility for revenge kill


I left 10 points open and "Craft" untouched for personal desires
(more points are possible from sky shards and main quest line)

PVP / Nightblade
Votes: 17
05/12/2014 - 22:31



Champion Points


The Steed

The Lady

The Lord


The Shadow

The Lover

The Tower


The Apprentice

The Atronach

The Ritual



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