
ESO Warden skill calculator helps you build talents for the brand new class being released with Morrowind DLC. Warden is the first new class being added to the game since it launched and it brings a whole new set of abilities and skills for you to play with. Our Warden talent calculator lets you pick skills, save your builds and share them with your friends, so you can plan and test stuff before you actually spend any skill points in the game. This is also a tool that helps you plan out stuff while not having access to the game.

Warden lets you heal, defend or do damage. Animal companions Warden skill line helps you summon various nature’s creatures that can aid your attack or help you defend yourself and allies. Green Balance skills are used to heal and buff your allies, making the Warden a viable healer in group situations. Winter’s Embrace is there when you need to defend yourself and provides shields and self heals to sustain damage when in trouble.

Data on this page is in line with the 3.0 PTS beta client, but make sure you are aware that a lot of things might change until ESO: Morrowind’s launch.

ESO Morrowind Warden Skill Calculator update: Data on this page is now in line with the live servers version 3.0.5 – early ESO Morrowind access version of the game.

All of the spell values are calculated based on the premise that your character has 15000 Stamina, 15000 Magicka and 1500 Weapon and Spell damage. Values of your spell damage/healing are calculated based on your own character’s base stats and may differ from those seen in the skill calculator. This calculator is here more for planning and knowing the effects of certain skill than is for accurate copy of your own character’s skills from the game. This calculator was made by game’s fans and is not an official talent calculator by Bethesda.

Warden Tank

Damage based off of max health, champion points gearing mainly towards max health and damage, reducing the cost of stamina and some magicka abilities. If there are any suggestions on what changes I should make, let me know.

PVE / Warden
Votes: 21
05/28/2017 - 10:33



Champion Points


The Steed

The Lady

The Lord


The Shadow

The Lover

The Tower


The Apprentice

The Atronach

The Ritual



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