Inside Abah’s Landing, the main city of Hew’s Bane, on the second floor of the Bank.
You can spot the Skyshard on the second floor, south from the Bank of Abah’s Landing. It is in the corner of a small balcony. In order to reach it, you’ll need to go through a nearby building called This One Sells Glyphs. Enter this building, keep to your left, climb to the second floor, and go through the first door on your left. This will take you to the outside balcony on the second floor. Now go right, up close to the shard. You’ll have to climb on top of the fence, and jump toward the shard’s platform in order to reach it. If you decide to jump down, be sure you’re at full health, or otherwise you can die.

If you keep going forward on the exterior of the This One Sells Glyphs building, you will come to some wood slats that join the two buildings. No jumping or risk of death involved in getting to the shard.