Now that the NDA has dropped we can start releasing some of the material that we captured during the beta weekends we participated in. In all honesty, we made these for our own use while playing the game, not expecting to make them publicly available, but now we can share them with the world. I even captured some sweet screenshots as I was preparing content for our Skyshard location database (shots bellow were taken while I was looking for “Adorns Valano’s Terrace Skyshard” in Auridon). This will give you better insight into the world of Tamriel and what it looks like from in-game. We played at 1920×1080 resolution on highest settings and some images have been edited to remove the interface for use as wallpapers. The game has a very distinct feel, not seen in other MMORPGs (but familiar to players of Elder Scroll games). Let us know what you think and we’ll try and release more screenshots. Please keep in mind that all of these were taken during the beta so the end product might look even better.
- It is quite possible to meet and talk to a King in Elder Scrolls Online.
- There was an island in the distance, off the coast of Auridon Glenumbra so I tried swimming to it, but I died just about here. You can see a secretive tower appearing in the mist here.
- One of the areas infested by the undead. I liked the overall feel of this questing area.
- Architecture of Elven towns in Auridon is amazing. I loved this building in particular.
- Elven structure in Auridon
- Just running around Auridon I managed to takes this screenshot in the nature.
- Taken from a lighthouse tower overlooking one of the major towns in Auridon
- Molag Bal’s Dark Anchors are a huge threat to the world and they loom just over the hill close to one of the major towns in Auridon.
- Aerial shot of the harbor.
- As I said, I like the Elven architecture and this building with a skyshard got nicely captured in this screenshot
- Nice skyshard location
- Caught mid jump with excellent scenery surrounding me.
- Shot of a night sky inside one of the public dungeons in Glenumbra. My favorite dungeon in that whole land.
- Shot of the same sky after some things transpire
- Dark anchor in Glenumbra. Captured while I was swimming towards it.