Deshaan is a South-Eastern region of the Ebonheart Pact faction, suitable for players level 17-23. In this zone players can obtain six treasure maps and additional Deshaan CE Treasure Map, which is available as bonus only to those that pre-purchased the CE edition of the game. Don’t forger to take your map from the bank before starting the treasure hunt, or digging spot will not be visible to you without corresponding map in your inventory.
Deshaan Treasure Map I
- Western part of Deshaan, next to Muth Gnarr Hills Wayshrine
- You’ll find the dig spot just a few steps west of Muth Gnarr Hills Wayshrine
Screenshot Walkthrough
- To get the view you see in the treasure map sketch you would climb up on top of a hill and stand inside a ruin, looking at the direction of the wayshrine and the windmill.
- Treasure is burried next to these two rocks on your way from the location on the previous screenshot towards the windmill.
- Exact map location of the dig spot.
Deshaan Treasure Map II
- Western part of Deshaan
- From Obsidian Gorge Wayshrine head west towards the lake Hlaalu. When you arrive at the stone bridge, turn left,a nd you will spot dirt mound between two huge trees.
Screenshot Walkthrough
Deshaan Treasure Map III
- Nort part of the map
- From Mzithumz Wayshrine head east. Dirt mound location is in a small passage between rocks.
Screenshot Walkthrough
Deshaan Treasure Map IV
- Southeastern part of Deshaan
- Use Silent Mire Wayshrine and go west until you get close to the entrance to Mabrigash Burial Circle. When you cross the bridge, turn right and go up a small hill.
Screenshot Walkthrough
Deshaan Treasure Map V
- Southeastern Deshaan
- Slightly to the west of Smuggler’s Slip, next to huge rocks.
Screenshot Walkthrough
Deshaan Treasure Map VI
- Southeastern Deshaan
- On a small island, between a rock and tree.
Screenshot Walkthrough
Deshaan CE Treasure Map
- Central Deshaan, south of Mournhold and its wayshrine.
- Go south of Mournhold Wayshrine until you reach the waterfall. Looking south from the waterfall you should see the scene from the TM sketch
Screenshot Walkthrough
- This scenery is almost exactly like the TM sketch. Screenshot taken from the waterfall south of Mournhold Wayshrine. Treasure is buried under that tree straight ahead.
- Dirt mound is found next to the tree.
- Exact dig spot location for the CE treasure map.
- zoomed out map location
Dig site is on Island to the Southwest of Mournhold just North of Hlanii’s Hovel icon on map
The description for the CE map needs to be updated. Mournhold wayshrine has moved. If you head south from the wayshrine, you’ll be nowhere near this treasure.