There are two treasure maps and additional CE treasure map on Bleakrock Isle. Considering this is a small island it is obvious why it is the case. Players can acquire map as random mob drops, from unlocked chests and etc. As soon as you acquire one of the treasure maps, its location on the map becomes covered with dirt mound, and only player who has the treasure map can see it. When you find it, you are suppose to dig it out. Hidden Treasures are bonus loot, that usually contain a green or blue item among other goodies.
Bleakrock Isle Treasure Map I
- Central Bleakrock Isle.
- West of central Bleakrock Wayshrine.
- Just bellow a small stone bridge.
Screenshot Walkthrough
- Scenery like in the treasure map picture.
- Just bellow a stone bridge.
- Treasure Map I Hidden Treasure Map Location.
Bleakrock Isle Treasure Map II
- Northern Bleakrock Isle.
- Between Orkey’s Hollow (to the east) and Lost Fishers Camp (to the west).
- At the southwestern part of the large Orkey’s Hollow island. White polar bear protects this small peninsula, with a rather large tree .
Screenshot Walkthrough
- West of entrance to Orkey’s Hollow.
- On a small peninsula, next to a large tree.
- Treasure Map II Hidden Treasure Map Location.
Bleakrock CE Treasure Map
- Slightly to the south from the central map area.
- From the Bleakrock village head south
There are 3. You havent got the CE one here.
the CE one is to the right of the dungeon in Bleakrock Town.
I totally forgot about CE treasure map. It’s added to the guide now.
Bleakrock Treasure Map 1 is west of the wayshrine, not east.
Where can u find treasure maps tho ps4