Hell from the Shadows NB
This build allows you to pop into battle and hit hard, then back out and buff your team at range, crowd controlling and siphoning for them. The swap from Magicka and Stamina based attacks allows on to refill while using the opposite weapon bar.
Night Berserker
This is gonna be something that will nuke everything in pve and quite good in pvp, if properly used. The idea is to annihilate your enemy as soon as possible, considering that there's a lack of healing abilities (at the end, berserkers were famous to kill fast and goory).
Race: Nord (which grants good passive health regen)
Armor: medium (for stealth, stamina and dps)
First of all: I got troubles with the calculator so that I couldn't put the advanced morphs to 2H abilites, which are (1) Rally, (2) Wrecking Blow, (3) Critical Rush; and dual wield: (4) Flying Blades.
Lets start from the first bar, which is more Berserker Style.
start from second bar, always start from hiding, and activate your passive abilities, if you have time all three (Reaper's Mark, Double take, than switch to first bar and use Rally).
You will be granted MAJOR EVASION, MAJOR BRUTALITY, a good HEALING PASSIVE REGEN, and your ENEMY ARMOR AND SPELL RESISTANCE REDUCED, which is a good start, in just 3 bottoms.
Starting from stealth put your dot cast on the opponent: DEBILITATE, a single target spell, quite decent, which reduce your enemy speed boosting your own, not bad.
The cast will take a while to reach the enemy, in the meantime you charge him from distance with CRITICAL RUSH (boosted from Major Brutality, 20% melee damage bonus, and from Major Breach, enemy and spell and armor resistance reduced)
Then immediatly go with WRECKING BLOW, that will be a hard stunning bump to the enemy.
Then up to you if proceeding with a heavy attack or SURPRISE ATTACK, I suggest surprise attack and then a heavy.
With your ultimate ability ready you should have no doubt: SOUL HARVEST after a wrecking blow will be nothing less than a nightmare for the enemy. Use it as more as possible.
If he stil has some breath, just take a little bit of distance and finish with critical rush.
If the opponent is a hard one just change your bar and get SHADOWY DISGUISE, trasforming yourself in a shadow with 100% crit chance for the next attack.
hit with SURPRISE ATTACK and get him stunned. Then Heavy attack that will be considerably boosted from your dual wield passive abilities.
Then Double Take and boost your speed for some seconds to get distance, and finish of with FLYING BLADE.
THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE MANY POSSIBILITIES which this built offers: what matters is that you charge and go fast on the enemy, with your abilities considerably boosted.
SECOND BAR: SKIRMISHER (long-mid distance)
If you need distance the second bar offers a sort of SKIRMISHER option:
Boost al your three passive abilities and torment your enemy from distance with Flying Blade (28 meters range), which is very effective if repeated fast with Major Brutality and Major Breach active.
Get speed with Double Take, mantaining the distance or reducing it, if you intend to
go stealth and hit the enemy with surprise attack, stunning him and retreating again (possibly after an heavy attack) persisting with your skirmish of flying blades.
Change bar and activate DEBILITATE if you need some dot to boost while skirmishing with second bar.
Use your Ultimate Ability if needed, to stun the enemy and get some distance, or just use the high dot damage from with persisting with your melee attacks.
Its not like heaving a bow, but i wanted this built just melee and here it is :)
If you prefer a more intense stamina caster ability just take a bow and follow this:
1) Lethal Arrow
2) Poison Injection
3) Reaper's Mark
4)Double Take
5) Swallow Soul
Okay so there is no “Edit” option.. the “4th skill” meant to be “Ward Ally”, the tool mixed the order of skills up a bit :/
i added 2 builds… well one and a half.
i hope some of you like to comment on theese, since its not the old-fashioned and booring DW/Bow-sneaky-creepy-assasin-rouge-style-archetype.
I like my opponents see me comming and my fights long and rewarding.
maybe we find a way to improve it even more, or you see synergies/buffs/things/changes in rotation which i have not.
Some comments or thoughts on my build for pvp/pve would be great. Thanks!
It’s now the middle of 2017. With the newest content of Morrowwind coming out very soon. Anything for the new builds or monster sets?
Find out what you need to improve in yourself to become more effective!