Builds Search ... Class Type Sort by DragonknightNightbladeSorcererTemplarWardenNone PVPPVEGROUPRAIDNone Votes DescendingVotes AscendingDate DescendingDate AscendingNone 1 2 3 ... 314 315 316 317 318 ... 410 411 412 High Elf Tank/DPS DragonknightMagicka +15015Health +37525Stamina +90912345R12345RTheDukeFiidal GROUP / DragonknightVotes: 0 04/27/2015 - 14:22 MinhaNG PvEMagicka +606Health +00Stamina +40412345R12345RRabinson PVE / NightbladeVotes: 0 04/27/2015 - 15:10 The golden knightMagicka +36036Health +00Stamina +0012345R12345Rdwj PVP / DragonknightVotes: 0 04/27/2015 - 16:19 Assasin Dragon Knight12345R12345RARCN11Ordo PVE / DragonknightVotes: 0 04/27/2015 - 19:27 Templar 1H+Board / DestroMagicka +13013Health +15010Stamina +40412345R12345RKinarrah PVE / TemplarVotes: 0 04/27/2015 - 20:16 High Spell CritMagicka +49049Health +00Stamina +0012345R12345Rknighthawk PVP / SorcererVotes: 0 04/28/2015 - 01:01 knighthawksMagicka +49049Health +00Stamina +0012345R12345Rvanschlick PVP / SorcererVotes: 0 04/28/2015 - 01:11 Dragon Knight tankProbando build tanqueMagicka +00Health +15010Stamina +1001012345R12345Ralbertosf GROUP / DragonknightVotes: 0 04/28/2015 - 11:08 battlemageMagicka +35035Health +21014Stamina +0012345R12345Rjoshhammond83 PVP / SorcererVotes: 0 04/28/2015 - 12:40 heavy armour casterMagicka +35035Health +21014Stamina +0012345R12345Rjoshhammond83 PVP / SorcererVotes: 0 04/28/2015 - 14:11 1 2 3 ... 314 315 316 317 318 ... 410 411 412
Ravasz255 June 10, 2014 at 7:26 pmOkay so there is no “Edit” option.. the “4th skill” meant to be “Ward Ally”, the tool mixed the order of skills up a bit :/ Reply ↓
playerklaus August 12, 2014 at 1:22 pmhello i added 2 builds… well one and a half. the NIGHT MAGE and the UNDYING BLADE.i hope some of you like to comment on theese, since its not the old-fashioned and booring DW/Bow-sneaky-creepy-assasin-rouge-style-archetype.I like my opponents see me comming and my fights long and rewarding.maybe we find a way to improve it even more, or you see synergies/buffs/things/changes in rotation which i have not.cheers playerklaus Reply ↓
Tarzan Jay August 13, 2014 at 10:03 pmSome comments or thoughts on my build for pvp/pve would be great. Thanks! Reply ↓
JackShidt April 18, 2017 at 10:59 pmIt’s now the middle of 2017. With the newest content of Morrowwind coming out very soon. Anything for the new builds or monster sets? Reply ↓
SteveBax September 16, 2017 at 11:35 pmFind out what you need to improve in yourself to become more effective! Reply ↓
Okay so there is no “Edit” option.. the “4th skill” meant to be “Ward Ally”, the tool mixed the order of skills up a bit :/
i added 2 builds… well one and a half.
i hope some of you like to comment on theese, since its not the old-fashioned and booring DW/Bow-sneaky-creepy-assasin-rouge-style-archetype.
I like my opponents see me comming and my fights long and rewarding.
maybe we find a way to improve it even more, or you see synergies/buffs/things/changes in rotation which i have not.
Some comments or thoughts on my build for pvp/pve would be great. Thanks!
It’s now the middle of 2017. With the newest content of Morrowwind coming out very soon. Anything for the new builds or monster sets?
Find out what you need to improve in yourself to become more effective!