Obviously, with this achievement, devs wanted you to feel like Prometheus. Well, you just have to light a fire between two NPCs, literally – not The Doors way , while they argue about it (typical human behavior, innit?). There are a few locations where they can spawn in every zone, except 1-5 zones, Coldharbour and Cyrodiil, all next to main roads. Also, they disappear 1-2 minutes after you interact with them. Those reasons make it really hard to complete this achievement, while many people are online and playing. The witching hour seems like the best option to find them, if you are not afraid.
A Bandit’s Heart and Golden Palms achievements share locations with this one, thus, traveling around using main roads (not confirmed, but it looks like they only spawn near them) can get you 3 in 1! Sometimes, they even share the exact same location, and you just have to relog and interact with new NPCs related to other achievements.
This guide is work in progress, thus, if you know any location not listed in the gallery below, please share it with us and ESO community.
Daggerfall Covenant Keeper of the Flame Locations
- Glenumbra
- Stormhaven
- Rivenspire
- Alikr Desert
- Bangkorai
Aldmeri Dominion Keeper of the Flame Locations
- Auridon
- Greenshade
Ebonheart Pact Keeper of the Flame Locations
- Deshaan
- Eastmarch
- Shadowfen
- Stonefalls
- Rift
@ the crossroads NorthEast of Narsis in Dashaan is a campfire location.. Likely the other two aswell since they tend to spawn in the same spots
there is one in Auridon by the lady statue i think it is by an rock out croping. I have a map pic but dont know were to send it.
Make that “The Lovers” stone no the “Lady”.
In Malabal Tor, I found them between the Dra’bul Wayshrine and Ilayas Ruins Wayshrines.
I just need to know how to get the lightbringer achievement and the give to the poor achievement for xbox one and there is literally nothing about it online. Just a bunch of coordinates and no maps and the consoles don’t use coordinates. Any help? I’m in the Aldmeri Dominion and i can’t find anything in auridon or anywhere