We are 36 hours away from the first permanent characters being created in Elder Scroll Online. We prepared a Tips & Tricks article a while back for Beta weekends that is still a very valid and valuable resource of information for those starting out for the first time. I wanted to share some more advanced tips that might not be that obvious at start. Here are top ten things you want to keep on your mind in the first 15 levels.
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ESO Mountain Skyshard in Cyrodiil
ESO Mountain Skyshard is a special skyshard that is not listed among the others in your Journal. It has a special achievement associated to it which rewards you with 5 achievement points. It is located in Cyrodiil and can be found on top of a huge mountain. You can reach its position following two paths. One of them goes through one of three mountain tunnel entrances that take you up to the stone doors of White Fall Mountaintop, while the second path doesn’t involve any tunnels. You just need to follow an unmarked path toward the mountain top.
Skyshard is found on top of White Fall Mountain (Area of Interest POI), northeast of Arrius Keep, northeastern Cyrodiil.
Reaching the mountain top through tunnels
There are three entrances to mountain tunnels. One of them is to the west, the other one is to the east, and the last one is North. They are all close to the main road of that area.
- Whitefall Mountaintop tunnel entrance.
- Map location of three Whitefall Mountaintop tunnel entrances.
- Whitefall Mountaintop Main Tunnel Entrance/Exit.
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ESO Bangkorai Skyshards Location Map
1. A scenic view of Evermore's bridge.

Guides to All Skyshards Prepared
It took hundreds of hours of gaming, over eleven hundred screenshots and loads of text, but we managed to get all of 320 skyshards Elder Scrolls Online will have at launch and provide screenshot guides and maps for each and every of them. Latest additions to the List of lands published on the website are:
We also added the last few missing Cyrodiil shards. Left to be published are Bangkorai locations and one last special shard in Cyrodiil that is so special it has an achievement of its own. These were held up due to some editing that needed to be done, but, rest assured, you will see them live on the website tomorrow.
We are just three days away from start of early access for Elder Scrolls Online. TESO Life has prepared skyshards, lorebooks, quests and a skill calculator for all of you to enjoy when the game starts. We hope that when you get stuck in the game you’ll find our pages useful. See you in game!

ESO Malabal Tor Skyshards Location Map
1. On an orbit of the storm sphere's home.

Lorebook locations for each zone
We deployed a quick update for our Lorebook Locations Database today. We added pages that will show all the lorebooks, that we were able to find, located in a single zone. This means that if you are collecting books by zone and you think you missed some you can see a map of that zone with each book marked in its location. You can also click on each name to get a full walkthrough for that particular collectible. You can also mark all locations of the book in that zone.
This feature was requested by some of you in the comments section and is provided in addition to screenshot guides for each book we found as well as the copy of the in-game interface you can find on the index page.
We still have some way to go to enter all the discovered items. We are at about 400 entries right now and about as many to go. We hope to have them all available by the time the game launches for everyone. We thought it would be cooler to provide you with locations without the need for you to run any addons or upload data. Instead, we wanted to do the legwork ourselves and let you guys enjoy the game without hinderance.
If you have any suggestions on how we can improve some of our site’s sections please feel to let us know.

ESO Shadowfen Skyshards Location Map
1. Above the Mages' eye between the falls.

ESO Alik’r Desert Skyshards Location Map
1. Sentinel of a domed tower.
It is hard to notice this skyshard on top of the guard tower in Sentinel. If you take a close look at the screenshot above you will see the Sentinel Wayshrine bellow the tower in the background. You can't actually get to the skyshard from up here. You have to enter the door on the ground floor of the tower to reach the top.
The Oldest Orc
The way to solve this puzzle is to look at the interactive panels on the walls of the chamber where Gurlak is. Each has a constellation on it matching the pressure plates on the floor. Each sign on the wall is labeled as the first, second, third and so on season. This tells you the order by which to activate the pressure plates. If you do not want to bother yourself with reading every sign on the wall this was the correct setup in the beta:
- Tile of The Ritual
- Tile of The Lover
- Tile of The Lord
- Tile of The Mage
- Tile of The Shadow
- Tile of The Steed
- Tile of The Apprentice
- Tile of The Warrior
- Tile of The Lady
- Tile of The Tower
- Tile of The Atronach
- Tile of The Thief