Tag Archives: zone

Lorebook locations for each zone

lorebooks by zone

We deployed a quick update for our Lorebook Locations Database today. We added pages that will show all the lorebooks, that we were able to find, located in a single zone. This means that if you are collecting books by zone and you think you missed some you can see a map of that zone with each book marked in its location. You can also click on each name to get a full walkthrough for that particular collectible. You can also mark all locations of the book in that zone.

This feature was requested by some of you in the comments section and is provided in addition to screenshot guides for each book we found as well as the copy of the in-game interface you can find on the index page.

We still have some way to go to enter all the discovered items. We are at about 400 entries right now and about as many to go. We hope to have them all available by the time the game launches for everyone. We thought it would be cooler to provide you with locations without the need for you to run any addons or upload data. Instead, we wanted to do the legwork ourselves and let you guys enjoy the game without hinderance.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve some of our site’s sections please feel to let us know.