This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in Rivenspire. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
You can also click on the link “(Highlight map location)” to mark all the locations of that one lorebook on the big map above.
Rivenspire Lore
- 3x
Bloodfiends of Rivenspire
- 2x
Dire Legends of the Doomcrag
- 2x
House Ravenwatch Proclamation
- 3x
House Tamrith: A Recent History
- 1x
Northpoint: An Assessment
- 1x
Shornhelm, Crown City of the North
- 3x
The Barrows of Westmark Moor
- 1x
The Horse-Folk of Silverhoof
- 4x
The Remnant of Light
- 1x
The Story of Princess Eselde
- 1x
Horse-Folk of Silverhoof
Dungeon Lore
Divines and Deities
- 3x
Nine Commands of the Eight Divines
- 2x
Monomyth: The Heart of the World
- 2x
Gods and Worship In Tamriel
- 1x
Vivec and Mephala
Myths of the Mundus
Daedric Princes
Oblivion Lore
- 1x
The Doors of Oblivion, Part 1
- 4x
Varieties of Daedra, Part 1
- 4x
Spirit of the Daedra
- 1x
The Doors of Oblivion, Part 2
- 1x
The Book of Daedra
- 3x
On Oblivion
- 2x
Varieties of Daedra, Part 2
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls is under Myths of the Mundus
j’ai trouvé le livre “invocation d’azura” catégorie “princes daedra”
dans la grotte à droite de l’entrée du “dolmen de la lande d’ouestmarche”
found a lordsbook called Invocation of Azura for the Deadric Princes to the left of Sanguine Barrows Wayshrine next to a skeleton coprs with skeevers around it.
its close to the road and easy to spot
lorebook not lordbook.
lol typo
Darkest Darkness is under a bridge on the path to doom crag
I found the Darkest Darkness lore book inside the Shrouded Pass, behind some boxes right next to the room where you place the second portal for reinforcements to come through in the zone-quest: “Puzzle of the Pass.”