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really…. you had to ******* scribble over the defining features around each ******* mark… even worse this is the only map for rivenspire time breaches online
Holy cow, Austyn, that was incredibly rude. If you don’t like the information here, go elsewhere, but don’t be a raging tool about it! Good grief, I’m astounded by the lack of tact and disregard for the author.
To the contributor of the information, Thank You for the time and effort you put into sharing with us so we can move through the game easier.
Don’t you get the same map in your inventory when you are on this step? Anyway here are the locations http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/rivenspire-time-breach-locations-time-in-doomcrags-shadow/
Hey. It’s 2022, but I’d like to let you know that some players prefer to pull up the psyjic map on a second monitor for these quests. It saves you having to open your quest item inventory everytime you need to look at it.