Betnikh is the second tutorial land for Daggerfall Covenant players. Two Treasure Maps and additional Betnikh CE Treasure Map (which is available as a pre-purchase bonus) are hidden on this island. There are several ways to acquire a treasure map like a random loot from mobs, locked and unlocked chests, but the drop rate is very low. This trophy is not character bound item, and you can also buy it in a guild store.
Once you acquire a map, its location will become visible only to you and the treasure map sketch should give you a hint where to look for a buried treasure. The place where you should dig up the treasure chest is always covered with dirt mound.
Find out where other Betnikh treasure maps can be found »
Author Archives: CrazyGenius
Glenumbra Treasure Map Locations Guide
Glenumbra is the first area after tutorial zones Stros M’Kai and Betnikh, available for Daggerfall Covenant players level 8-15. This area hides six Treasure Maps and additional Glenumbra CE Treasure Map which is available as pre-purchase bonus. The maps can be acquired as random drops from mobs or locked / unlocked chests, but the drop rate is very low. The good news is that treasure maps can be bought them from guild stores as well.
Once you acquire a map, its location will become visible only to you, but you have to figure out where it is, by using a treasure map sketch as a hint. This sketch is a similar replica of the area surrounding a spot where you should dig out a treasure chest. The place where the chest is hidden is always covered with dirt mound.
Find out where Glenumbra treasure maps can be found »
Bal Foyen Treasure Map Locations Guide
Bal Foyen is a tutorial land for Ebonheart Pact players. This small island hides two Treasure Maps and additional Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map which is available as a pre-purchase bonus.
Treasure maps can be acquired as a random loot from mobs, locked and unlocked chests, but the drop rate is very low. Since this trophy is not character bound item, you can also buy it in a guild store.
Find out where other treasure maps can be found »
Stros M’Kai Treasure Map Guide
Stros M’Kai is a tutorial zone for Daggerfall Covenant players level 3-5. Although the island itself is very small you have a chance to acquire two Treasure Maps and additional Stros M’Kai CE Treasure Map which is available as pre-purchase bonus.
If you still don’t know how to acquire a map, take a look at our list below, but don’t forget that the drop probability is very low:
Find out where other treasure maps can be found »
ESO AMA on reddit
For all of you who didn’t have a chance to join the ESO team on a special Reddit AMA today, we summarized the most important answers in the list below:
Your beta account is your live account, you won’t need to create a new one when the servers go live on the 30th (for pre-purchasers).
Also, if you have been in the beta and are going to play when ESO launches, don’t uninstall the game – when the servers go live, just run the same patcher as you always have, and any delta files will be downloaded from there. You don’t need a clean install. This will save you lots of time over completely re-downloading the game.
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ESO Patch Notes 0.182
Elder Scrolls Online patch notes v0.182 brings many fixes and improvements to existing content and will be the last significant patch until launch. Many changes are made to Alliance war like campaign reassignment and guest campaign assignment cooldown is set to 12 hours, the cost to reassign your campaign is reduced from 100,000 AP to 15,000 AP and the XP from monster kills in Public Dungeons is significantly reduced. Many fixes and improvements to quests, animations, and gameplay. Tweaked many issues relating to UI. In the list below you can find out more about all changes.
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ESO Auridon Treasure Map Guide
Auridon area hides six Treasure Maps and additional Auridon CE Treasure Map which is available as pre-purchase bonus. The most common ways to acquire maps are listed below:
- random loot from mobs
- random loot from locked / unlocked chests
- you can buy them from a guild store
Once you acquire a map, its location will become visible only to you, but you have to figure out where it is, by using a treasure map sketch as a hint. This sketch is a similar replica of the area surrounding a spot where you should dig out a treasure chest. The place where the chest is hidden is always covered with dirt mound.
Auridon Treasure Map I
- Southern part of Auridon map.
- Maormer Invasion Camp area.
- Just near a tall stone rock
Screenshot Walkthrough
- Go towards the castle
- Auridon Treasure Map 1 location
- Digging spot is just near a tall stone rock
ESO Enchanting guide
ESO Enchanter has an important role to discover Runes and use them to create Glyphs which add enchantments to weapons, armor, and jewelry. Once applied, Glyphs increase items efficacy in combination with the traits added by blacksmiths, clothiers and woodworkers.
How to create a Glyph?
Before you can create a Glyph, you have to collect Runestones. There are 3 different types of runestones and you need one of each type to create a glyph. Once you collect Runestones from rune-nodes, go to Enchanting Table and select Creation tab, then select the runestone of each type by double clicking it, and it will appear in the appropriate “rune phrase” slot. When all 3 slots at the bottom of the screen are filled you can create a Glyph. When a glyph is created, a translation will be revealed for each of the runes used in process.
If you have some glyphs that you can’t use or sell, just extract them, and you’ll get back some of the runes you used to create them. Both Creating and Extracting glyphs processes will contribute in leveling up Enchanting profession.
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ESO Patch notes 0.181
The latest ESO patch notes v0.181 brings many fixes and improvements to existing content. The most significant changes will let you skip the tutorial with new characters, the starting bank size will be increased by 30, and starting inventory size by 10 slots. In the list below you can find out more about all changes.
Alliance War – General
Mender and Honor Guards at keeps and resources now cast Negate Magic as part of their abilities.
Art & Animations – General
Updated and improved several character animations for the start of the game.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while riding your horse.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while in stealth.
Fixed a rare issue where art would be missing in some areas.
Polished many animations and effects in the Main Quest 6 boss battle.
Fixed an issue that was resulting in some quest scenes having incorrect or missing effects.
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TESO will be playable on PC and Mac
According to the latest official tweet, Zenimax Online is supporting TESO game on Apple’s Mac and PC, while at this moment, the developer team has no plans to develop the game for consoles.
We’re developing #ESO for PC (Windows) & Mac. We don’t have plans to develop the game for consoles.