This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in Eastmarch. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
You can also click on the link “(Highlight map location)” to mark all the locations of that one lorebook on the big map above.
Eastmarch Lore
- 3x
All About Giants
- 3x
- 1x
On Stepping Lightly
- 2x
Orcs of Skyrim
- 2x
Spirits of Skyrim
- 4x
The Brothers’ War
- 2x
The Crown of Freydis
- 2x
The Stormfist Clan
- 2x
The Ternion Monks
- 2x
Second Invasion: Reports
Dungeon Lore
- 1x
To Posterity
Legends of Nirn
- 3x
An Accounting of the Elder Scrolls
- 2x
The Cleansing of the Fane
- 3x
The Amulet of Kings
- 1x
The Last King of the Ayleids
- 3x
The Exclusionary Mandates
- 2x
Tamrielic Artifacts, Part One
- 1x
The Adabal-a
- 2x
Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Three
- 2x
Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Two
- 1x
The Order of the Ancestor Moth
- 2x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-B
- 2x
Guylaine’s Dwemer Architecture
- 3x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII
Poetry and Song
- 2x
Flesh to Cut from Bone
- 1x
The Five Far Stars
- 2x
The Cantatas of Vivec
- 2x
The Book of Dawn and Dusk
- 2x
Ode to the Tundrastriders
“3x Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII icon Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII”
The map link for this book is taking us to:
1x lorebook The Adabal-a
eastmarch lore books on stepping lighty and the ternion moks why cant click on the show the map
I found a daedric princes lorebook in eastmarch in a wooden shack due west of the Frigid Grotto
The Lorebook is called the Totems of Hircine
Well done Sir,
Been going daft trying to find it.
For some reason the map wont load for me, when i click on one of the areas. Any ideas how to fix this?
Found the Battle of Glenumbra moors in bonestrewn crest cabin not on map