This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in The Rift. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
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The Rift Lore
- 1x
Clans of the Reach: A Guide
- 1x
Rivers of Profit in Riften
- 2x
Songs of the Return, Volume 27
- 1x
Songs of the Return, Volume 49
- 1x
Songs of the Return, Volume 5
- 1x
Thenephan’s Mysteries of Mead
- 4x
The Road to Sovngarde
- 4x
The Wandering Skald
- 3x
Touch of the Worm’s Tongue
- 2x
Unexpected Allies
Dungeon Lore
Poetry and Song
- 2x
Myths of Sheogorath, Vol. 1
- 2x
The Legendary Scourge
- 2x
Myths of Sheogorath, Vol. 2
- 2x
16 Accords of Madness, Vol. VI
- 2x
- 4x
The Red Book of Riddles
- 2x
The Lusty Argonian Maid, Vol. 2
- 3x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer IV
- 2x
Dwemer Inquiries Volume II
- 4x
Dwemer Inquiries Volume III
- 1x
Dwemer Inquiries Volume I
I Just found an unmarked location for the Warrior’s Charge on accident. It’s just East (Very slightly south) of the Apprentice Mundus Stone. It spawned next to a dead body with two lvl 38 Saber Cat’s guarding it.
Crow And Raven, Three short fables: literature.
Found on route to the throat of the world over the bridge from ivarstead.
Crow and Raven: Three short fables on the road to High Hrothgar up the second set of steps, heading east, at the first flattened out tent.
Crow And Raven: in The Rift, in Ivartead Docks, on top of the crates near Ulfslod Gray Sky, near the stairs.
lusty argonian maid vol 1 is inside the giant camp
the homilies of almalexia – on the cliff just above the road to the stonefalls
Proper-life: Three Chants is in the Common Hall in Nimalten.