This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in Deshaan. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
You can also click on the link “(Highlight map location)” to mark all the locations of that one lorebook on the big map above.
Deshaan Lore
- 3x
A Pocket Guide to Mournhold
- 1x
Dark Ruins
- 3x
Dwemer Dungeons: What I Know
- 3x
Kwama Mining for Fun and Profit
- 1x
Legend of the Ghost Snake
- 2x
Sanctioned Murder
- 4x
Shad Astula Academy Handbook
- 1x
The Judgment of Saint Veloth
- 1x
The Living Gods
- 4x
War of Two Houses
Dungeon Lore
- 1x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer V
- 2x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer X
- 2x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VI
Myths of the Mundus
- 2x
Noxiphilic Sanguivoria
- 2x
A Werewolf’s Confession
- 1x
Ebony Blade History
- 1x
Before the Ages of Man: Dawn Era
- 1x
Before the Ages of Man: Merethic Era
Magic and Magicka
- 1x
Magic from the Sky
- 2x
On the Detachment of the Sheath
- 2x
Reality and Other Falsehoods
- 1x
Arcana Restored
- 2x
Liminal Bridges
- 2x
Manual of Spellcraft
- 3x
Guild Memo on Soul Trapping
- 1x
The Old Ways
Found “The Legend of Ghost Snake” (Deshaan Lore) A little bit above “The Tower” and the “Grove of Abomination (Dunno how its spelled in English Eso). Its on a little Woodbox left of it is a pickaxe.
If you stay at the Mundus Stone “The Tower” just go straight North and you will get it.
found a copy of “Coils of the Father” in the Mournhold Mages Guild, in a bookshelf in the room just past the portal room.