Recently members of the gaming press community from around the globe were invited to take a look at the current state of development in ESO. Different sites have been posting reviews and impressions all week, luckily for us you will not have to worry about tracking them all down yourself! Check out these impressions from all the different sites around the web. Continue reading

Morrowind was the first Elder Scrolls game I played. Prior to that I did not play many RPG games, but a friend of mine highly suggested Morrowind so I tried it out. Several months later I was still playing Morrowind. Feeling of entering a massive, dynamic and vibrant fantasy world with its rules and secrets and hidden gems of adventure scattered all over the place is what I remember my sessions with the game as. I have spent many hours playing RPG games since, always looking for that feeling of traversing a fantasy world that Morrowind was so good at providing. I sometimes found it, but mostly I did not. Even Oblivion, the next game in the Elder Scrolls series did not provide me with that Morrowind feeling. It felt a little blend in comparison and I only played through the main storyline before moving onto other games. Luckily, Skyrim came out and brought back that whole enormous world feeling.

Ask Us Anything: Combat
One of the most sought after bits of information players are looking for in regards to ESO is how combat will play out. Well this week’s “Ask Us Anything” is all about combat, check it out and see if your questions are answered! Continue reading

Beta Questions Answered
As the date for participating in the Beta of ESO approaches many players are wondering how to sign up for testing and what the testing will consist of. Luckily the game developers have recently released a wealth of information to guide players through the process of getting signed up for the beta testing. You can sign up fro testing at Continue reading

Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 2
In this week’s “Ask Us Anything” the developers at Zenimax Online Studios answered some more questions regarding their upcoming MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. This week you can find out a little about a player’s inventory, how different equipment can affect your combat role, voice acting in ESO, and more. Continue reading

Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 1
In this week’s “Ask Us Anything” the developers at Zenimax Online Studios answered a variety of different questions regarding their upcoming MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. This week you can find out a little more about the lore behind the game, learn a little about classes withing the various Alliances, and the types of material you can expect your weapons and equipment to be made out of. Continue reading

Video: The Elder Scrolls Online – The Alliances Cinematic Trailer
The newest cinematic trailer for the Elder Scrolls Online looks pretty damn sweet, check it out! Are you as excited as we are?

Video: The Elder Scrolls Online: Alliances at War
In the latest ESO developer video Loremaster Lawrence Schick explores why the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact are at war in The Elder Scrolls Online. Watch the video to discover their reasons and motives for fighting, the key people and groups involved, and more.
Ask Us Anything: The Daggerfall Covenant Part 2
In their “Ask Us Anything” section this week the developers at Zenimax Online Studios answered more questions involving the Daggerfall Covenant; one of the Alliances players will be able to represent in their upcoming MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone who wants to play as a Breton, Redguard, or Orc will be a part of this Alliance. Continue reading
Ask Us Anything: The Daggerfall Covenant Part 1
In their “Ask Us Anything” section this week the developers at Zenimax Online Studios answered questions involving the Daggerfall Covenant; one of the Alliances players will be able to represent in their upcoming MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone who wants to play as a Breton, Redguard, or Orc will be a part of this Alliance. Continue reading