Stros M’Kai is a tutorial zone for Daggerfall Covenant players level 3-5. Although the island itself is very small you have a chance to acquire two Treasure Maps and additional Stros M’Kai CE Treasure Map which is available as pre-purchase bonus.
If you still don’t know how to acquire a map, take a look at our list below, but don’t forget that the drop probability is very low:
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Category Archives: treasure maps
ESO Bleakrock Isle Treasure Map Guide
There are two treasure maps and additional CE treasure map on Bleakrock Isle. Considering this is a small island it is obvious why it is the case. Players can acquire map as random mob drops, from unlocked chests and etc. As soon as you acquire one of the treasure maps, its location on the map becomes covered with dirt mound, and only player who has the treasure map can see it. When you find it, you are suppose to dig it out. Hidden Treasures are bonus loot, that usually contain a green or blue item among other goodies.
Bleakrock Isle Treasure Map I
- Central Bleakrock Isle.
- West of central Bleakrock Wayshrine.
- Just bellow a small stone bridge.
Screenshot Walkthrough
- Scenery like in the treasure map picture.
- Just bellow a stone bridge.
- Treasure Map I Hidden Treasure Map Location.
ESO Auridon Treasure Map Guide
Auridon area hides six Treasure Maps and additional Auridon CE Treasure Map which is available as pre-purchase bonus. The most common ways to acquire maps are listed below:
- random loot from mobs
- random loot from locked / unlocked chests
- you can buy them from a guild store
Once you acquire a map, its location will become visible only to you, but you have to figure out where it is, by using a treasure map sketch as a hint. This sketch is a similar replica of the area surrounding a spot where you should dig out a treasure chest. The place where the chest is hidden is always covered with dirt mound.
Auridon Treasure Map I
- Southern part of Auridon map.
- Maormer Invasion Camp area.
- Just near a tall stone rock
Screenshot Walkthrough
- Go towards the castle
- Auridon Treasure Map 1 location
- Digging spot is just near a tall stone rock