Do you have some artistic talent? Do you love The Elder Scrolls? Do you want to win some free stuff? Then you’re going to want to take a shot at entering The Elder Scrolls Online Poster Challenge!
The folks over at ZeniMax are looking for some great fan-made posters and want to give away some awesome stuff to those who can bring the best stuff. There has already been some amazing fan art popping up based on the upcoming ESO game, but now the developers are looking for the best of the best to submit their stuff in a proverbial art throwdown. Winners will not only receive some cool swag but they will have their art displayed in ZeniMax studios and at upcoming game events.
All submissions must be free of vulgar, sexual, or copyrighted materials (i.e. characters from other games, product placement, ect.). You can submit one digital copy of your poster to the official ESO Tumblr page using the tag “ESO Poster Challenge” until Friday, May 17th. The poster can be in any style you like, but it must somehow represent ESO specifically. After the submission period ends, The Elder Scrolls Online Community Team and members of the Art Team will review all entries and vote for their top three (3) favorites based on creativity, originality, and technical skill.
Check out the official announcement for the full info, including all contest rules and prizes.