This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in Alik’r Desert. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
You can also click on the link “(Highlight map location)” to mark all the locations of that one lorebook on the big map above.
Alik’r Desert Lore
- 2x
Motalion Necropolis Report
- 3x
Redguards, History and Heroes, V. 1
- 2x
Redguards, History and Heroes, V. 2
- 2x
Redguards, History and Heroes, V. 3
- 2x
Sacrilege and Mayhem in the Alik’r
- 3x
Sentinel, the Jewel of Alik’r
- 2x
The Salas En Expedition
- 1x
Tu’whacca’s Prayer
- 1x
Varieties of Faith, Crown Redguards
- 2x
Varieties of Faith, The Forebears
Daedric Princes
Dungeon Lore
- 3x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-B
- 4x
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII
- 3x
Guylaine’s Dwemer Architecture
Poetry and Song
- 3x
Ode to the Tundrastriders
- 2x
The Battle of Glenumbria Moors
- 3x
The Book of Dawn and Dusk
- 2x
Flesh to Cut from Bone
- 1x
The Five Far Stars
I found the two missing lorebooks in Alik’r lore:
Redguards, History and Heroes, V. 2 can be found at Leki’s Blade. The one copy I took was near a western entrance in a tent.
Motalion Necropolis Report can be found at King’s Rest (Worldboss location) just behind one of those Lion-Statues.
I found a copy of “The Cantatas of Vivec” on a crate on the docks at Wayfarer’s Wharf.
The map that showed all of the books within Alik’r Desert has disappeared? I was using it earlier, but all of a sudden the map doesn’t appear to load anymore. Any idea why this is, and how it can be fixed?
We had a few problems with map display a few days ago, but it should work now. Please refresh the page or clear cache than visit the page again.
i found one on bergama
The Exclusionary Mandates is just outside Santaki, heading southeast next to a scorpion with a dead beetle, right along the cliff side.
The only one I can’t find is The Order of the Ancestor Moth
I found The Order of the Ancestor Moth north of Tigonus Dolmen, in a Harpy nest, on the ledge.
Found slightly south of Tigonus Dolman, dont walk over the footbridge, look to your right and you will see a small cave with the harpy nest and book