This page shows all the lorebooks we were able to find in Auridon. They are sorted by Collection they belong to.
You can click on the lorebook name to see a full screenshot walkthrough for that book in this zone and all the other zones we found it in.
You can also click on the link “(Highlight map location)” to mark all the locations of that one lorebook on the big map above.
Auridon Lore
- 1x
Why Don the Veil?
- 1x
Life in the Eagle’s Shadow
- 1x
Kinlord Rilis and the Mages Guild
- 1x
Regarding the Ebonheart Pact
- 2x
Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant
- 1x
Fang of the Sea Vipers
- 1x
The Rise of Queen Ayrenn
- 1x
The Lay of Firsthold
- 1x
Thalmor Handbill
- 1x
Varieties of Faith: The High Elves
Tamriel History
- 2x
Frontier, Conquest
- 1x
History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 1
- 1x
Origin of the Mages Guild
- 1x
History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 2
- 1x
Ayleid Inscriptions Translated
Divines and Deities
Daedric Princes
- 1x
Trials of St. Alessia
- 2x
Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6
- 1x
Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10
- 1x
Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3
- 1x
Jorunn the Skald-King
- 1x
The Illusion of Death
- 2x
Great Harbingers of the Companions
- 1x
Galerion the Mystic
There are 2 more lorebooks in Vulkhel Guard. One is next to the enchanting table in the Alchemy/Enchanting shop called something “vial” which is in the very south.
The other is upstairs in the house west of the Stable in Vulkhel Guard
There’s one north of Tanzelwi wayshrine, just before T in road. There are two broken off pilars and a broken cart next to them. It is a Dwemer 1-A.
thanks for this one I was only missing one scratching my head, great directions.
I found another copy of The Rise of Queen Aryenn in the College of Aldmeri Propriety in the open door building on the west side of the area closest to the bridge on one of the tables.
Trials of St. Alessia can be ALSO found on the barrel (small wild camp) beneath Calambar Dolmen on the map. Exactly in the middle between Triumphs of a Monarch Ch.10 and The Lunar Lorkhan
what about dungeon Mage skill up Lorebooks? i only found one dungeon mage book so far.
it is in the banished cells called the binding stone.
are there anymore dungeon mage books in Auridon?
For Console some of the lore books don’t exist or will only have one Lorebook. I also got one Lore book from the Dungeon in Auridon
There’s also a book on the right side near the banished cells.
Oh ok you put it but on the wrong spot it’s further up right side not in front.
The is also a Dwemer scroll north of Ondil on a Barrel.