Update 1.6 is around the corner – it’s due to arrive March 2nd, and it’s going to bring with it a lot of changes. One of the biggest additions to the game is the Justice System, which handles criminal activities.

Xbox ONE Controller Scheme Revealed
In an update to the official blog, Bethesda gave us a sneak peek of the key bindings for the Xbox ONE version of The Elder Scrolls Online. The controls seem pretty natural and comfy, so we have to ask – when is gamepad support coming to the PC version of the game?
The PS4/Xbox ONE version is due June 9th, while the sub-free version is going to hit PC on March 17th. The reason the console ports took so long is that they “wanted to make sure the console version didn’t feel like a port, but like a game designed specifically for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4”, which is great to hear.
Source: Blog

New Loyalty Rewards Announced
As the launch of Tamriel Unlimited grows closer, the developers have decided to honour long standing players with gifts. The latest in line is the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter, as worn by the lord of madness himself. They’re going to start sending them later in February, so keep your eyes on the in-game mail.
Those who have had a subscription for three months have already gotten the High Hrothgar Wraith pet. Players with six months worth of subs have gotten the Loyal Dwarven Sphere. And then there’s this creepy new thing.
That’s not all though. If you maintain a subscription right until the game goes buy-once-play-forever, and you have more than 300 days of subscription to your name on that date (March 16th), you’ll receive a Striped Senche mount, which won’t be sold in the Crown Store. The only way to get it is by being the most loyal of all TESO players.

The Three Fates Cinematic
With all four parts of the Three Fates cinematic trailer released, Bethesda has gone and made a supercut version that seamlessly blends all of them into one, twenty-three-minute-long spectacle. You can watch it in 720p right now, if you’d like to see the three alliances duke it out for the Imperial City.

Craglorn Treasure Map Guide
Craglorn is the first adventure zone available for Veteran Rank players. In this zone, players can acquire 5 treasure maps.
Craglorn Treasure Map I
- In the southwestern part of the Craglorn map
- Use Sandy Path Wayshrine and head south towards Taborra’s Camp.
Screenshot Walkthrough

The Elder Scrolls Online announced release date for PS4 and Xbox One
Today Bethesda announced that the Elder Scrolls Online will be released worldwide on June 9, 2015 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited includes all original PC gameplay and all updates and additional features like Justice and Champion systems.
With Tamriel Unlimited, coming to console on June 9th and PC/Mac on March 17th, 2015, you will no longer be required to pay a monthly game subscription to play ESO.
Find out more about Crown Store

Update 5: feedback needed by ZeniMax
Elder Scrolls Online’s Update 5 is quite a big one. So big, actually, that in their official statement ZeniMax provided a list of suggestions as to what the beta players should be testing.
More specifically, the dev team is seeking feedback on the veteran City of Ash dungeon as well as on crafting writs and the new crafting tutorials. That’s just a partial list, tho. The full list is provided on the ESO forums.
The Elder Scrolls Online patch v1.5, brings us many new features. One of the highlights of this patch are: adding of Veteran City of Ash, City of Ash dungeon continuation, as well as graphical improvements in form of facial animations for NPCs. Dungeon and solo-instance scaling will allow you to revisit some of your favorite dungeons. Crafters will be happy to hear that they’ll be able to undertake certification, as well as crafting writs and survey reports once you’re certified. Interface improvements in the form of new chat bubbles are also included and can be activated in the Settings menu. New Undauted Enclaves and Pledges that can be performed every 20 hours are also a part of this fifth major content update!
In addition to all the new features, there are many bug fixes and small changes, so make sure to check them out in the full list below!

ESO Patch Notes v1.4.4
Elder Scrolls Online patch notes v1.4.4 brings many fixes and improvements to existing content mainly to gameplay, itemization, UI, and the Alliance War.
Alliance War
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to crash while in combat in Cyrodiil.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Cyrodiil from properly saving the status of keeps in some instances in the event of a crash.
- Fixed an issue where keep postern doors were not usable.
ESO Patch v1.4.3 is live
The Elder Scrolls Online v.1.4.3 has been released and is quite a big one! Besides bug fixes, the patch includes: the introduction of a new area – Upper Craglorn; Serpent Trial: Cantrum Ophidia; Dragonstar Arena; changes and improvements in grouping; Ability Alterning Enchantments. The addition of a new VR Rank – 14, as well as the addition of “Chance on hit to increase Spell Resistance” are also added.
Some of the patch highlights include:
- Upper Craglorn – New Area
- Serpent Trial: Sanctum Ophidia
- Dragonstar Arena
- Nirnhoned Crafting Trait
- Chance on hit to increase Spell Resistance
- Larger Delves
- The delves found in Bangkorai, Reaper’s March and The Rift are now larger, and contain more monsters and loot.
- Grouping Improvements
- New VR Rank – 14
- Ability Altering Enchantments
- Found on weapons in the Dragonstar Arena, the Serpent Trial in difficult mode, and from the Alliance War Leaderboards
Upper Craglorn Skyshards
With the release of update 4 on the PTS and the appearance of a new zone (or rather an expansion of an old zone) Upper Craglorn, we decided it is time to update our Skyshards locations map with new data. There are 6 new skyshards to be found in Upper Craglorn. This goes in line with two new Veteran ranks (6 skyshards = 2 skill point – one for each level) being obtainable in this update. As with all other Craglorn Skyshards they are located in group delves so bring along some friends or be ready to sneak past some rather nasty mobs. To help you achieve this we created screenshot guides for each new skyshard. You will notice that we put Upper and Lower Craglorn Skyshard guides onto one page. This is because new in-game map of Craglorn contains both parts of the zone, although skyshards themselves are separated in the achievements list to Lower and Upper Craglorn sections. You’ll just have the convenience of having everything in one place while hunting for Craglorn Skyshards.