In order to complete a fishing achievement in starting areas, you have to catch just one rare fish. Around Bleakrock Isle you’ll find several Ocean water fishing holes where you have a chance to catch Inner Sea Scalyfin fish, and complete Bleakrock Angler achievement.
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ESO at GamesCom 2014
Elder Scrolls Online had a booth at this year’s GamesCom gaming convention, held in Cologne, Germany. We took the opportunity to swing by and say hello to the community team and take a peak at the new 3v3v3 PvP mode that was first shown back at E3. People were lining up to get their hands on the new mode and experience small scale PvP action. We also had a chance to meet in person Jessica Folsom, which was a highlight of our day in its own right. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take video footage of the on-screen action, but from people’s reaction I think they had quite a good time.

ESO Deshaan Angler achievement guide
As you already know, if you open achievement menu and look under fishing, you will find fishing achievements for that region, which can be completed by catching 12 rare fishes and a unique fish in that area. Before you can start fishing, you need a fishing hole, and baits, but don’t forget that using a wrong bait will increase your failure rate by 50%.
For all of you who have been looking for the best spots for catching rare fishes in Deshaan, we have a small guide made by Herner. After catching 12 rare fishes in Deshaan, you will complete Deshaan Angler achievement. On the map below you’ll find marked locations for different types of water, and a list of fishes that can be caught in the particular type of water.
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ESO Skill Calculator updated with 1.3.3 data
Elder Scrolls Online Update 3 (patch 1.3.3) brought on a lot of skill changes across the board. Some skills have had their bug fixed. Others had their values tweaked in an effort to balance them better. Some skills have been changed to have better tooltip descriptions. We put in an effort to reflect all those changes in our online ESO Skill Calculator. I am sure many of you are already familiar with our ESO talent calculator since more than 7000 builds have been saved since the game launched (which you can browse through here). We would recommend for those actively maintaining your builds to update them for the latest patch, since some rotations might have changed in the meantime. If you updated your build to reflect 1.3.3 patch changes feel free to let us know via our contact us page and we will feature your build on the front page of our website. I hope you will continue to use our skill calculator and that it is a tool that will help you plan your character development even while you are not in the game.
P.S. If you are from a French speaking country we recommend you visit our friends at because they have the skill calculator in French.

ESO Patch Notes v1.3.3
Elder Scrolls Online patch v1.3.3 brings the third major content update, with new armor dye stations, guild improvements, updates to campaigns in Cyrodiil, and many fixes to quests, combat, art, and audio.
Armor Dyes
- Armor dyes have now been added to the game! You can visit a dye station and interact with it to dye any piece of armor that you own.
- Dye stations can be found in at least one town in every normal overworld zone. There are new map markers add for these dye station locations
- Every piece of gear has up to three separate areas that can be dyed individually, and you have tools available to do so.
- Color Sets: You can use the special dye tools to create and apply custom color sets.
- Eye Dropper Tool: You can use the eye dropper tool to pick colors from previously dyed gear, and apply that color elsewhere.
- Paint Bucket Tool: This tool applies the dye you’ve selected to the corresponding color area of every piece of gear you have equipped.
- At a dye station, you can see every color available. Dyes you haven’t obtained yet are displayed with a lock icon. Hover over any locked color to see which achievement is associated with it. You can right-click on it to jump to the achievement panel and read the achievement’s completion criteria. When a dye is unlocked, it will be available for all characters on your account.

European Megaserver finally arriving to Europe
When Elder Scrolls Online launched it allowed for people to use the North American or European megaserver. This is a standard for MMOs that launch worldwide, because of language differences and vast physical distance that can make playing a bit difficult if you are playing on a server located on another continent. What most Europeans realized soon after launch is that the European megaserver is actually located in United States. Zenimax told us that the reason for this was that megaserver infrastructure is very complicated and for the time being they had to have all the servers in the same place. Four months later Europeans will finally be able to play on Europe based servers. The move is happening at 1:00PM BST (8:00AM EDT) on July 30th. Move is rather complicated because it is supposed to transfer all of your characters and all their data. It will take about nine hours, but may be extended. After the transfer is complete people that have characters on the European megaservers should continue playing as if nothing really happened. The only thing they should notice is increased performance. This means less lag in PvP and during PvE combat (both of which were quite common). We, here at MMORPG Life, welcome this transfer because we are based in Europe and our game experience suffered due to the servers being in the US. We wish this happened within the first month after launch, as was initially promised, but better late than never.
You can read the official announcement here and here are some of the most common questions and answers concerning the transfer:
Will anything change for me when the migration is complete?
Nope! All your characters will be just the way you left them before the move. There won’t be a patch to download, either.
The migration seems to be during European primetime. Why is that?
Moving everything over to our new datacenter is a complex operation involving a large number of our engineers and support staff in Europe and North America. It’s important to us that everyone we need for the process is awake, ready, and available. This will help us make the transition as smooth as possible.
I’m European, but created characters on the North American megaserver. Can I move them to the new European megaserver?
No. The migration will only affect characters that already exist on the European megaserver, and no transfers are available right now.

Future of ESO panel recap
Elder Scrolls Online developers showed up in full force during the recent QuakeCon 2014. They held a very important 2 hour panel (this includes a Q&A session) discussing what we can expect in the future for Elder Scrolls Online. Great many features were announced and discussed. There are a bunch of new features planned and some old systems are being reworked. Here’s a list of the most important announcements together with an image gallery of some of the things to come.
- Imperial City – new PvP zone found inside Cyrodiil that players will be able to unlock through keep ownership. You’ll be able to enter it through 3 sewer entrances that are guarded by imperials (and probably camped by PvPers). Zone contains Molag Bal’s minions and tons of quests related to them (boss mobs will be present) that reward high XP and gold rewards. You can unlock various parts of the city (Market, Arboretum, Temple District, etc.) and have special vendors, crafting stations or respawn points there.
- New Veteran Dungeon – City of Ash coming in Update 5
- Grouping system improvements that will also include Dungeon difficulty scaling (to group leader’s level) and repeatable dungeons as part of a daily quest setup for the Undaunted
- Solo Instance dungeons will also scale to you – if something is difficult and you die repeatedly they will scale to be a bit easier after several attempts
- Craglorn will get the next chapter of the story where you will fight the Serpant aspect in a new 12 man trial
- Dragonstar Arena – it will contain 4 man mini trials with leaderboards, two difficulty modes and progressively more difficult timed PvE encounters
- Veteran Gameplay is getting a complete overhaul – veteran points are being removed and Veteran Ranks are from now going to be gained through experience points. Champion system is getting introduced and this system will introduce a separate tree (called constellations) of passives. You unlock these passives by spending champion points that you earn through earning experience points in post lvl 50 game. Gear will not have Veteran Rank as requirement. New gear will come out in seasons.
- Justice System – allows you to steal items and attack NPCs. Consequence is that there is a bounty incurred on your character. You can pay the bounty or flee. Players will be able to hunt other players with high bounty so active PvP will be a consequence of the Justice system.
- Spellcrafting – new system that will allow you to create customized spells. You will have to find the base spell through exploration in the world. You can customize this spell with focus items (add AOE, make it an ultimate, reduce cost, etc.). You can
- New Armor and Weapon style – Glass armor, Dark Brotherhood style, New PvP gear, Thieves Guild style, new Undaunted styles. It was also mentioned that when you kill a boss in solo instances you might get an item that is skinned as the boss so there will be a Dwemer spider, Spider Daedra, Harvester themed armor pieces.
- New Adventure Zone Murkmire – similar to Craglorn. Four man content with 12 man trials. It will contain a new non player race called Naga.
- New Solo Pve Zone Wrothgar – in the north between High Rock and Skyrim.
Click here to see a screenshot gallery of the panel and full video

ESO can now be purchased on Steam
QuakeCon 2014 is in full swing and we got our first big news concerning Elder Scrolls Online. From today, ESO will be available for purchase on Steam. In addition to that, the game will be on sale for the duration of Quakecon 2014. so you can purchase the Standard edition on Steam for $30 and Imperial will set you back for $47.99. The game still requires you to have an ESO account and all that other stuff you are used to from a standalone client, but if you get it through Steam you get the friends overlay or you can even gift it to your steam friends. Another boon for those that choose to purchase the Imperial Version of the game through Steam right now is that they will get the Whiterun Wolfhound vanity pet. On the sale page it says that the vanity pet offer will last only until July 21st so you better hurry if you are planning to get it.
Existing subscribers are currently not able to import their game into Steam. If you add the game to steam it will not behave the same as if you purchase it there. We have to wait on Bethesda to give us import keys or something similar to be able to integrate our existing clients with Steam.
In other QuakeCon news related to Elder Scrolls Online we have “THE FUTURE OF ESO” panel happening on Friday where various developers should discuss what’s in store for different aspects of the game. Event is taking place on Friday, July 18th from 5:00PM to 7:00PM CDT on QuakeCon Ventrilo Main Stage. You can submit your questions to developers on the official ESO forums and Twitter ahead of time, and you may see them answered live at QuakeCon! (Please use the #ESO and #QuakeCon hashtags on Twitter.) If you are not at QuakeCon, you can watch the panel and Q&A live on Twitch at or later on the official ESO Youtube channel.
How to Increase Inventory Space in ESO
Each character in the Elder Scrolls Online starts the game with 60 Inventory and Bank slots. The amount of useful objects is quite impressive, and pretty soon you will find out that you need more inventory space.
How to expand your inventory in TESO
Once you discover the first town, bring up your map, and mouse over the various icons and look for Marketplace (It is marked by a tilting scale on your map), where you will see the various types of merchants.
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ESO Patch Notes v1.1.3
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.1.3 features fixes to quests and blockers, in addition to skill line fixes and improvements. You will also see improved performance in Cyrodiil, and several fixed issues with the Mac client.
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