Someone on Reddit posted a rather long patchnotes page for the upcoming TESO beta patch v0.18 that was issued by Zenimax. Some of the fixes and improvements are important and change the game quite a bit. Players can expect the next beta to feel different compared to the test from few weeks ago.
Click here to read patchnotes

Crafting Guide
Crafting nowadays is a common feature of an MMO game, but beauty of the crafting system implemented in TESO comes from the fact that it’s exactly what would you expect from an Elder Scrolls game which perfected this part of the gameplay. You’ll find materials to use in crafting professions throughout the world. In cities and other settlements, you’ll find crafting materials in barrels, crates, and other containers. Plants, minerals, mushrooms, and many other materials can be gathered in the wild. If you approach a harvestable resource, you can press “E” to gather it.
You can choose between six professions in TESO:
- Alchemy – Collect plants, experiment with Reagents to create Potions
- Blacksmithing – Collect ore, create Items using Metal Materials (Metal Weapons and Heavy Armor)
- Clothing – Collect plants and hides, create Items using Cloth and Leather Materials (Light and Medium Armor)
- Enchanting – Discover Runes and use them to create Glyphs which add enchantments to weapons, armor, and jewelry
- Provisioning – Collect Recipes and use Ingredients to create Food and Drinks
- Woodworking – Create Items using Wood Materials (bows, staffs, and shields)

Separate ESO Subscription will be needed for each platform
According to a response from Zenimax Online Studious to one TESO fan, multiple ESO Subscriptions will be required for all platforms the game is played on. The only exceptions are PC and Mac platforms which can share one account, but not at the same time.
Explaining this decision, the developer said:
In order to play The Elder Scrolls Online on both PC/Mac and console, players will need to have two separate accounts and subscriptions: one for PC/Mac and one for the console of their choice. Players can use both the PC and the Mac game clients on one account, but an account may only be logged in to one machine at a time. However, console megaservers are separated between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, so players who want to play on both of those systems will need different accounts (and subscriptions) for each console.
This is the move that the most number of players won’t find surprising even though the decision isn’t too convenient for them.
Source: TamrielFoundry

Khenarthi’s Roost Quest Locations
Quest locations map for Khenarthi’s Roost with screenshot guides for finding starting NPCs and finishing the quests

Auridon Quest Locations
ESO Auridon Quests location map with additional information about starting NPCs and where they are, quest steps and other helpful data for all your Elder Scrolls Online questing needs

Bleakrock Isle Quest Locations
Location of all quests in Bleakrock Isle with extra info about starting NPCs and quests themselves.

Bal Foyen Quest Locations
Location of all quests in Bal Foyen with extra info about starting NPCs and quests themselves.

Stonefalls Quest Locations
ESO Stonefalls Quests location map with additional information about starting NPCs and where they are, quest steps and other helpful data for all your Elder Scrolls Online questing needs
ESO Public Dungeon Basics
Mass PvE battles are one of the core elements of MMORPG titles and one gameplay element that truly differentiates this genre from others. To conquer Public Dungeons in TESO you will need a team that will play together in an effort to kill enemies and bosses, while getting high rewards in return.
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The Banished Cells Dungeon Playthrough
During the February beta session we managed to go through level 12-15 dungeon called The Banished Cells. Dungeon is located in Auridon and has 5 bosses. I took a video of one of our run-throughs for our own collection, because at the time the NDA was still in place, but now that the NDA has lifted we decided to add some commentary and share it with the world. We didn’t manage to finish the whole instance due to one of the group members leaving before the last boss, but you can see what grouping in Elder Scrolls online looks like. We’ll update this post with full HD video and full guide on how to defeat all bosses in this instance. DISCLAIMER: footage bellow was made during a beta weekend and it might differ from what we’ll see at release of the game.