Dark Anchors are the key ingredient in the dark plan of Deadric Prince Molag Bal to pull Tamriel into Oblivion. They can be found all throughout the world of Tamriel and their presence will bring despair and darkness in each part of the world. The player and hi, or hers, allies will have chance to send them back to Oblivion, where they belong, saving thousands of innocent souls by accomplishing this task.
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ESO Achievements Guide
The Elder Scrolls Online Achievements are incentives in the game that offer rewards to a player for every accomplished specific task.
TESO achievements are divided in numerous groups representing different styles of play: PvP, PvE, defending the keeps, crafting, quests, etc. The list of achievements in TESO will be long with pretty good chances that over time it will be expanded.
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ESO skill animations
For some members of the press TESO NDA was partially lifted on Friday, February 7th, and new videos showing ESO game play popped up on youtube like mushrooms after rain. I came across an interesting video made by our friends at teso-gameguide.fr that shows a compilation of skill animations for each class. Enjoy.

TESO Lockpicking Guide
While exploring through the Elder Scrolls Online you’ll come across locked treasure chests. In order to pick the lock you need lockpicks, that can be obtained from chests, drawers, boxes, wardrobes scattered all over the world, or you can buy them from vendors.
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TESO Beta Errors and Bugs
A new wave of invitations have been sent, and TESO Closed Beta event has started. For all of you who got a chance to participate in Beta testing, this task will be also frustrating, because of many server issues, bugs and errors.
In the section below, you can browse through the following listing of questions and solutions, and we hope that you will find it useful. When the NDA drops, we’ll be able to provide more specific solutions, or proposals for solutions, to most of the issues.
February 7th, 2014 Beta errors and possible fixes
Q: I’m stuck on load screen.
Some people are getting errors when trying to load into the game or transfer between zones. Wait for 1-15 minutes and restart client.
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Press opinion about what TESO does right and wrong
No matter if it’s winter or summer in your part of the globe, this day definitely reached scorching hot temperature for all Elder Scrolls fans. NDA for TESO was partially lifted today, as Zenimax allowed members of the media to post their first thoughts of the game. We collected some of the TESO press first impressions in this article, but whether you will trust them or not, it’s entirely up to you.
Click here to check out press opinion

TESO Graphics Comparison
Ever wondered what’s the difference between the lowest and the highest graphics settings in the Elder Scrolls Online? IGN posted an extremely interesting video, which reveals the difference between playing the PC version of a game on minimum and maximum settings.
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TESO Press Beta Impressions
Last week, Bethesda and Zenimax Studios invited members of the press for an exclusive preview of the Elder Scrolls Online. The press played through the starting zones, and shared their impressions about character creation, skill progression, crafting, racial perks and much more. You can find the Consolidated List of ESO Press Beta Links below:
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Quick Beta Key Giveaway
There is a lot of excitement about the upcoming Beta Stress Test weekend for the Elder Scrolls Online. This is contributed by the fact that Zenimax Online is aiming for this to be the biggest test they ever had, so they are inviting pretty much everyone that applied for the beta. Beyond that, there is also a giveaway of half a million beta keys on Curse. In case you are not a fan of Curse for whatever reason, or you want to get something for free from MMORPG Life we are doing a very quick, only six hour long, raffle giveaway. Use the widget bellow to enter the raffle and we’ll email the keys and instructions on how to redeem them in about six hours. Quick tip – leaving a comment will give you 2 raffle points, just in case you already are following us on Twitter or you liked our Facebook page. Good luck to everyone.
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Emperor is a dream come true for every Elder Scrolls Online player. It is the most powerful role in the game due to the special bonuses TESO Emperor receives. However, it is also a task that will be hardest to accomplish and many players will fail on that road before they get the chance to be crowned.
It may be difficult thing to do but getting the crown will be worth it, with these impressive bonuses:
- Emperor will have special skill line focused on PVP battles, sieges and even PvE.
- Special skill line will remain with the character forever, even when the character no longer has the crown (but less powerful).
- All stats are increased, character will have better powers and will deal more damage. There is only one Emperor, per campaign at the same time, making the character wearing the crown the best in the campaign.
- Emperor will have access to unique armor set, which will change only appearance of the character (without losing any of your own armor bonuses). Currently it is unknown if it will stay in possession of the character once you are no longer Emperor.
- Emperor will give bonuses to other players in his alliance.