Forgotten Wastes is a public dungeon in Vvardenfell, the area from the ESO Morrowind expansion. Forgotten Wastes Conqueror is an achievement you get for defeating all five bosses in it. It’s worth 50 points, and you can find it under the exploration tab. There’s another trophy, called Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher, which requires you to find and kill only three of the champions in the dungeon, rewarding you with 10 points.
Author Archives: Lokesh
ESO Morrowind Daily Quests – Ashlander, Morag Tong, Battlegrounds
You can take up to four Morrowind Daily Quests in ESO per day. To start them, you’ll need to complete four prequel quests. The experience and additional rewards are worth the daily commitment, not to mention the vast number of achievement points, and even one title. In general, they are fun to do – at least now, at the start – especially the group boss one.

ESO Daedric Explorer Achievement – Ruin Locations in Morrowind
Daedric Explorer is a general achievement/trophy in ESO Morrowind. It’s worth ten points, and it is one of those achievements you’ll want to get back to later, after you’ve already completed almost all of it. It requires you to visit all 25 Daedric ruins on Vvardenfell. If you decide to unlock it one go, you’ll start to notice the architecture of these ruins even more and wonder if there is more to this.

ESO Strider Caravaner Achievement – Silt Strider Locations in Morrowind
Strider Caravaner achievement is a trophy you can earn in Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind. This is a general achievement that’s worth five points. It is considered one of the easiest ones. Its worth in points is equal to the number of minutes you’ll need to unlock it.

ESO Echoes of a Fallen House Quest – Bell Order in Morrowind
Echoes of a Fallen House is a dungeon quest in Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind. This quest takes you on a journey to collect four clues, open the doors by ringing the bells in the correct order, and more. It is a rather short but interesting challenge, with a great reward in experience points and other stuff.
ESO Pilgrim’s Path Achievement – Shrines of Seven Graces in Morrowind
Pilgrim’s Path achievement is a trophy in Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to find all seven Shrines of the Seven Graces. Finding them and reading their inscriptions will net you five achievement points. These shrines are rather hard to spot from a distance. They are small, engraved stone pedestals with candles on them. In this guide, we’re going to help you unlock ESO Morrowind Pilgrim’s Path achievement, by showing you all shrines of Seven Graces locations.

ESO Morrowind Ancestral Tombs Locations – Where to find rubbings
Ancestral Tombs are sacred burial grounds in ESO Morrowind. The “Ancestral Tombs Hunter” general achievement worth 50 points is given to those that collect them all, and hand the quest back to Librarian Bradyn. There is even a quest that starts to introduce you to this subject, but the objective only marks one of the tomb locations. Other than the achievement points, you’ll gain additional experience points for the two quests, as well as some juicy prizes. Our ESO Morrowind Ancestral Tomb locations guide will help you find all 30, so you can get the rubbings and find the Lost Library.

Hireling of House Telvanni Quest
A Hireling of House Telvanni is a quest in ESO Morrowind. It takes you through the adventures of the slave Sun-in-Shadow in Sadrith Mora. This quest is the first of many in a large chain. Completing them all will unlock the Rising Sun achievement, which is worth 10 points.
ESO Morrowind Best Warden Race
The best Warden race for new characters in ESO Morrowind depends on the role you want your character to play. If you are an experienced player, who plays Elder Scrolls Online regularly, you probably already know the answer to this question. This guide is intentded to help new players who might not know about the best roles for certain races.
ESO Morrowind Armor Sets and Weapons – Screenshot Gallery & Stats
Morrowind, the first Elder Scrolls Online expansion, offers a vast number of new armor and weapon sets. They are categorized in four groups: Overland, Crafted, Battleground and Trial. Each one of them has unique looks, and a light, medium and heavy version that favor magicka, stamina or health regeneration. In this guide, we’re going to show you a list of ESO Morrowind armor sets & weapons, what they look like and their stats.