Mining Sample Collector is one of the new achievements in Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to find five mining samples left by prospectors around the caverns of Blackreach. If you’re having trouble finding Kelbarn’s, Inguya’s, Reeh-La’s, Adanzda’s or Ghamborz’s pouch, this guide will show you all five mining sample locations required for the achievement.
Tag Archives: achievements
Instrumental Triumph Achievement – Musical Instrument Locations
An Instrumental Triumph is a new achievement in Elder Scrolls Online. It was added in the Greymoor DLC, and you can start it by talking to a particular NPC in the city of Solitude. He’ll inform you about the missing items, and task you with finding all 19 music instruments. The only thing you’ll get by way of directions is a poem that contains hints to the instruments’ hiding places. Once you’ve found them all, you’ll unlock the achievement and get some nice furniture and the warm fuzzy feeling of having restored the Bard’s College to its former glory. If you need help finding them, this guide will show you all 19 Instrumental Triumph musical instrument locations.
Mural Mender Achievement – All 16 Fragment Locations
Mural Mender is one of the new achievements in Elder Scrolls Online. It’s part of the Elsweyr chapter, and it weighs 50 achievement points. In order to complete it, you’ll have to solve a bunch of riddles and find 16 mural fragments, which will allow you to repair the ancient Rithana-di-Renada mural in the House of Histories. If you’re not interested in solving the riddles, this guide will show you all 16 Mural Mender fragment locations.
Summerset Relics Locations – Achievement / Trophy Guide
Relics of Summerset is a new achievement in the latest Elder Scrolls Online expansion. To unlock it, you’ll need to find twenty dangerous relics stolen from the Vault of Moawita, that are now scattered around Summerset, and put them in the display boxes. Once earned, this trophy gets you the Finder of Lost Relics title and a furniture piece called Fan of False-Face. In this guide, we’ll show you all twenty Summerset Relics locations.
ESO Daedric Explorer Achievement – Ruin Locations in Morrowind
Daedric Explorer is a general achievement/trophy in ESO Morrowind. It’s worth ten points, and it is one of those achievements you’ll want to get back to later, after you’ve already completed almost all of it. It requires you to visit all 25 Daedric ruins on Vvardenfell. If you decide to unlock it one go, you’ll start to notice the architecture of these ruins even more and wonder if there is more to this.

ESO Strider Caravaner Achievement – Silt Strider Locations in Morrowind
Strider Caravaner achievement is a trophy you can earn in Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind. This is a general achievement that’s worth five points. It is considered one of the easiest ones. Its worth in points is equal to the number of minutes you’ll need to unlock it.

ESO Pilgrim’s Path Achievement – Shrines of Seven Graces in Morrowind
Pilgrim’s Path achievement is a trophy in Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. In order to unlock it, you’ll have to find all seven Shrines of the Seven Graces. Finding them and reading their inscriptions will net you five achievement points. These shrines are rather hard to spot from a distance. They are small, engraved stone pedestals with candles on them. In this guide, we’re going to help you unlock ESO Morrowind Pilgrim’s Path achievement, by showing you all shrines of Seven Graces locations.

ESO Morrowind Achievements and Rewards
Morrowind is an expansion for Elder Scrolls Online, with achievements of its own. This ESO Morrowind achievements list shows what to expect from the first expansion, offering insight into the four main categories: General, Exploration, Quests and Trial. If you get the expansion, you can expect 69 new achievements to unlock. Earning them all will net you 1335 points, nine titles, two dyes and one skin.
A Bandit’s Heart Locations Achievement Guide
This achievement requires 1 skill point investment in Fighters Guild tree passive – Intimidate. Only then you can extort gold from NPC merchants located in almost every zone in Tamriel. Optional newbie zones, Coldharbour and Cyrodiil are not on the list. Those merchants are not to be mixed with wandering ones, because they have fixed positions and a horse standing beside them. There are several spawn locations on every map and they are always right next to a road, but NPC can be found only on one location and despawns after interaction. You can’t make a fortune out of this achievement though; sums are around 50-60 gold coins.
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Keeper of the Flame Locations Achievement Guide
Obviously, with this achievement, devs wanted you to feel like Prometheus. Well, you just have to light a fire between two NPCs, literally – not The Doors way , while they argue about it (typical human behavior, innit?). There are a few locations where they can spawn in every zone, except 1-5 zones, Coldharbour and Cyrodiil, all next to main roads. Also, they disappear 1-2 minutes after you interact with them. Those reasons make it really hard to complete this achievement, while many people are online and playing. The witching hour seems like the best option to find them, if you are not afraid.
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