Bethesda have published a new blog post, detailing the Halls of Fabrication trial. We knew very little about the ESO Morrowind trial before, mostly about the setting. Now we finally have something to chew on until the expansion is released.

ESO Morrowind System Requirements Revealed
Bethesda have revealed the system requirements for ESO Morrowind. In a recent blog post, they’ve shown the minimum and recommended specs required for playing the game on both PC and Mac. Now would be a good time to check whether your system fits the bill, especially if you’ve preordered. Returning players have nothing to worry about, but if this is going to be your first trip to TESO-land, you should make sure everything goes by without a problem.

A New Chapter In Vvardenfell – ESO Morrowind Trailer
Bethesda have released a new trailer for ESO Morrowind, titled A New Chapter in Vvardenfell. The trailer is a mix of gameplay footage, player reactions and developer commentary. It shows off some of the new locations, activities and more. Basically, it’s nothing new, but it can help tide you over until the expansion is released.

ESO Morrowind PTS Patch Notes v3.0.1
The first patch for ESO Morrowind has gone live on the Public Test Server. Patch v3.0.1 is mostly about fixing bugs is both the old stuff and the new, but it also adds some new features and content. It weighs around 400 MB, and the developers are calling it “incremental”. Read on to see the most important changes.

Gold Coast, Hew’s Bane, Wrothgar Skyshards Added to Map
As the expansion’s release date draws near, we’re hard at work updating the site. One of the first things we’ve decided to update is the Skyshard locations map. It has been missing several areas for some time, and it was high time we rectified that. The map is now finally complete, with all the areas from the base game. We’ve added Hew’s Bane, Wrothgar & Gold Coast Skyshards to it, and we’re ready for the expansion to go live.

Warden Class – Everything We Know
Warden is the new class in ESO: Morrowind. What we’ve seen of it suggests it’s a druid of some kind, a defender of nature. The wardens rely on wildlife to aid them in battle, and they have command of Tamriel’s flora. They can also become experts at using ice magic, which can provide both offensive and defensive boons. Read on to see everything we know about ESO Morrowind Warden, their skill lines and combat abilities.

Morrowind Halls of Fabrication Trial – What We Know
Halls of Fabrication is a new trial in Elder Scrolls Online. It will be added to the game in the Morrowind expansion. It’s a 12-player trial that takes place in the mythical Clockwork City. There isn’t much information about it, but we’ve compiled everything we’ve found out into this post.

Morrowind Battlegrounds – Everything We Know
ESO Battlegrounds are a new PvP mode being added in the Morrowind expansion. It will allow players to join one of three teams, regardless of their alliance, and fight in premade or matchmade groups for loot and glory. It will launch with three arenas and three objectives. Read on to find out everything we know about ESO Morrowind Battlegrounds.
ESO Morrowind Warden Class Trailer & Info
The Warden is the new class we’ll be getting once the Morrowind expansion launches. It’s a druid/warrior hybrid, with the ability to command nature’s finest – both plants and forest critters. Bethesda have published a trailer for the Warden, showcasing some of their abilities, as well as a breakdown of their skills.
ESO Morrowind Update v3.0.0 Patch Notes Revealed
Update v3.0.0 is live on the PTS. It includes the Morrowing content (available only to closed beta participants), as well as a lot of fixes, changes and additions to the base game. We’re going to list the most important stuff we’ve discovered by perusing the patch notes, but you can read the full changelog on the official forum.